Criminal Justice Personal Statement

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My numerous interests in attending law school are based on many of my own life lessons. The fact that I personally know the positive sides and also the negative sides of our Criminal Justice system equips me with a wealth of vital knowledge that I can utilize in Law school and beyond. I am looking forward to dedicating my law career to making a positive difference in the law community and also in the inner city. Going to law school will also help me bring justice to my community in many ways. While growing up in the inner cities of Compton California and Bronx New York, I have personally witnessed the fortunate get lesser or no punishment, for the same exact crimes that the poor disproportionately get convicted and sent off to jail for. I …show more content…

Everyone deserves to have equal access to fair treatment along with quality representation. Going to law school will give me the fundamental knowledge and access to impact the legal process in a positive way. As a child I do not believe any of my classmates in any grade level thought about being an Attorney, Police Officer, Fireman, or anything dealing with Law Enforcement. Those professions seem to be out of reach while I was growing up. Sadly those dreams eluded me until later in life. My Father was one of the leaders of the Philadelphia Black Mafia Family so my interaction with justice as a child was not a positive one. Sadly my Father was following in the direct footsteps of his Father and for certain periods of my life I did the same. Responsibility was a trait that escaped me until a handful of years back. I treated everything and everyone in my life carelessly. I was careless with my finances, personal relationships with love ones, and careless in the way I conducted myself. I did not have any respect or regard for myself or anyone else for that matter and my life was severely damaged due to my lack of care. Not only my personal life was severely impacted but collaterally my Military life and career was as …show more content…

When I made the decision to change the trajectory of my life, I knew I will only be successful only if I coupled the decision to put everything prior to that precise moment behind me and accept responsibility for the mistakes that I have made in life regardless if I thought I had a fair shake or not. Once I forgave myself and others, my life became promising and the goal and route to become an Attorney was clear. My focus on positivity increased as well as my heart to help others in need. My relationship with my children and Wife improved and so did my professional relationships as well. I want the best of everything for my children but one thing I want mostly is for them to strive to be the best they can be academically. I widely reject the thought of my kids growing up thinking that any profession is too prestigious for them to obtain. It would be no greater role model for the rejection of that thought than my kids seeing me graduate from Point Loma Nazarene University in a few months and eventually Law school. I know I am going to be a great Attorney and I also know that it will not be an easy journey and I will have many sleepless nights studying and writing but using my children as the motivation to achieve, nothing is out of reach even a Juris

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