Playoffs Essays

  • NCAA Football Playoff System

    2447 Words  | 5 Pages

    NCAA Football Playoff System Thesis: The Bowl Championship Series (BCS) formula has been used to determine the top twenty-five teams in NCAA Division I college since 1998. Many think this system is inadequate and should be changed. The alternative is a playoff system that would give more of the top teams a chance to be named the NCAA football National Champion. I.     BCS formula A.     Computers 1.     Where they’re from 2.     How they work B.     Polls 1.     Where they’re from

  • The College Football Playoffs Should and Need To Be Expanded

    1023 Words  | 3 Pages

    Do you think picking your 4 favorite types candy is hard? Wouldn’t it be easier if you where able to chose your favorite 8 types of candy? Well right now it is like that with college football playoff system. During the BCS era they had one game between the 2nd and 3rd ranked teams and the winner would play the number 1 ranked team for the national championship. All the brad new FBS does is add one more game therefore only adding one more team, so instead of just adding one more team to the mix, this

  • Playoffs?

    2010 Words  | 5 Pages

    Playoffs? 1) What I already know (and don’t know) about my topic I know that Division IA football is the only sport that doesn’t hold playoffs to determine a champion. I have always been curious to why this is though. I grew up in a household where football was a big deal and have been intrigued by the controversy stirred up about the Bowl system in place. Sometimes I watch the National Title Game and wonder how the teams are chosen. I never really knew how the system worked. I just knew that a

  • The Greatest Game Of Football: The Beautiful Game

    904 Words  | 2 Pages

    Football is one of the most popular sports of all time. Football for some people is not just a game but it is a religion. I believe that everyone should have a little knowledge of “The Beautiful Game” as Pele who is regarded as the greatest player of all time called it. Football, apart from being called “The Beautiful Game” it is also known as soccer in United States. Football is played all over the world have billions of fans watching and playing the game. I started playing football when I was

  • Hard Knocks Analysis

    542 Words  | 2 Pages

    As the final episode of this season’s Hard Knocks featuring the Los Angeles Rams opens, we learn that Rams cornerback Lamarcus Joyner has failed to show up for practice. Rams head coach Jeff Fisher and his staff have no idea where Joyner is; for all they know, he’s on a plane back to his home in Florida. After a few minutes, Joyner slinks up to Fisher at practice and stands silently next to him before muttering that he’s “done”, having lost his passion for the game. Fisher then takes the wayward

  • Understanding the Structure of NBA Playoffs

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    NBA Playoffs begin in late April, with eight teams in each conference going for the Championship. The three division winners, along with the team with the next best record from the conference are given the top four Positions. The next lower four teams in terms of record in the season are given the lower four position. This is how they organize it: There are 30 teams divided into two conferences, the east and west. Each conference has a division of 5 teams each. The top team from each division

  • BCS vs. Playoff System

    691 Words  | 2 Pages

    the Bowl Championship Series with a playoff system continues to be one of the most discussed aspects of college football. Most people agree the Bowl Championship Series should be replaced by a playoffs, however there are a few who believe otherwise. The Bowl Championship Series works, and college football has never been more successful, thrilling, popular, or more enjoyable than ever. The Bowl Championship Series is fairer, safer and more effective than a playoffs. The Bowl Championship Series is

  • Snubbed All-Stars: An NBA Injustice

    1151 Words  | 3 Pages

    Our staffs tell you who was snubbed as an NBA All-Star starter. Jonathan Ebrahimi () : For starters, I think we all agree that Westbrook was snubbed this year. He’s keeping a largely under-talented Thunder team in the thick of the playoff hunt and is putting up historically great numbers to do it. Out East, there are two players I feel have been overlooked. For starters, Isaiah Thomas has been having a wonderful season for Boston. His team is winning and he’s the main reason why. It’s not that

  • Informative Essay On Ray Allen

    1247 Words  | 3 Pages

    struggling at age 32. Not only that, but Ray Allen is third in all time game winning shots while Reggie isn't even on the top 15 list. Ray Allen has a 50% rating on shots taken when trailing by one or two points, or tied, in the final 24 seconds of playoff games since 1996-97 (The Top Ten). 50% may not sound high enough but most players are 25-30% when taking clutch shots. Most would agree on how reliable Ray Allen was when there was a shot he would have to take. To sum things up, Ray Allen was more

  • Analysis: Should Professional Athletes Be Paid

    1559 Words  | 4 Pages

    Should Athletes Be Paid Salaries of professional athletes outline a fine line and produce a formal dispute on both sides of this topic. There is single handedly no uncertainty that professional athletes are one of the highest paid young professionals in the United States but like any other profession there is a distinction between the mediocre player and the so called ‘superstar’ which is frequently significant. As a whole, professional athletes still do very well over other professions. Both the

  • Free Force Case Study

    518 Words  | 2 Pages

    The loss of Kevin Durant will not only effect the Thunder in the immediate future, but will also effect the entire landscape of the franchise. A place like Oklahoma City is not a prime destination for free agents. Of the 30 teams, Oklahoma City would rank near the bottom in terms of places I would want to live, slightly beating out the likes of Milwaukee, Utah, and Denver. Free agents don’t want to play in a boring, mid-western city like Oklahoma City. There only hope is to strike gold in the draft

  • Basketball

    657 Words  | 2 Pages

    LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Durant, some of the most talented athletes to walk the earth. These men don’t play soccer or baseball, they play basketball. Basketball, some call it the sport of legends others say the game of kings, still others say it’s boring, but really no one likes those people, and no one ever will. This is the origin of the game of basketball. On November 6, 1861 the great James Naismith was born in Ontario, Canada to Mr. and Mrs. John and Margaret Naismith. As a child

  • Dr. Martin Luther King's Positive Outlook

    749 Words  | 2 Pages

    Everyone has been in that confusing situation where you have to decide to have a positive or negative outlook. Whether you choose to handle it positively or negatively can change the situation drastically. Although being negative can sometimes help in situations to solve something faster, but being positive all of the time has the greatest effects on you and people around you. Famous people such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Anne Frank, and Winston Churchill always kept a positive outlook and made

  • Analysis Of Forty Million Dollar Slaves

    945 Words  | 2 Pages

    Go out to an urban neighborhood and find a game of pickup basketball. Listen if you can hear any of the kids yell “Iso!” What does it mean? It literally means isolation, but on the court it means “Give me the ball and let me do it myself.” In Forty Million Dollar Slaves, author William C. Rhoden argues white journalists perpetuated the stereotype that black athletes are selfish with a “one-on-one” mentality. However, Rhoden fails to acknowledge that this “one-on-one” mindset on and off the field

  • Athletes: Playing for Pay

    916 Words  | 2 Pages

    Should professional athletes earn millions of dollars for playing a game? Athletes should not be making millions and millions of dollars while more important jobs earn significantly less. There are doctors who save lives daily and they do not even make a tenth of what some athletes make. It is crazy to believe that someone is really worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and all they have to do is play a sport; a sport that millions of people would play for free if given the chance. Where does all

  • Importance Of Intercultural Contact

    957 Words  | 2 Pages

    I believe that all intercultural contact should be encouraged if you look at the world today it 's evolving into a multicultural world and it isn 't what it used to be today being dominated by one or two races there are a bunch of different cultures that are living in the United States and intercultural communication is a big key to success that keeps the world intact and in the right direction. A big example why I think intercultural contact should be encouraged is sports if you look at the sports

  • Discrimination In Sports Research Paper

    720 Words  | 2 Pages

    Aison Epstein Crouse/Rostolsky Lit/Comp 9 5th period 21 February, 2017 Synopsis: Discrimination in Sports How does discrimination take it’s toll in the world of sports? Some people think that racism is not evident in the current sports world. The truth is that on a daily basis, discrimination negatively affects many athletes because of their race, sex, and appearance . Racism is still noticeable in the world of sports and even impacts some of the greatest athletes in the world. In Richard Larchicks

  • How high salaries effect NBA players negatively

    1398 Words  | 3 Pages

    In recent years, the NBA and “trouble” seem to have become synonymous. In the past year alone, some of the biggest names in basketball have had run-ins with the law. To try to avoid this trouble the National Basketball Association started the NBA rookie transition program ("The problem," 2012). This training program serves to provide knowledge of what players can expect while playing in the NBA and how to balance the pressures and demands that come with their chosen career ("The problem," 2012)

  • Worth The Wait Analysis

    1222 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sunday, June 19th 2016 will be a date that will lay in the hearts of Cleveland sports fans for the rest of their lives. On this day, the Cleveland Cavaliers finished the nearly impossible task of coming back from being down three games to one in the NBA Finals in order to give the city of Cleveland its first professional sports championship in fifty-two years. The team was led by LeBron James, Kyrie Irving, and company; together, they made history. After the championship many emotional advertisements

  • Lebron James Character Analysis

    843 Words  | 2 Pages

    LeBron James is a good leader. He plays basketball with passion. Orwell made it clear that in “Animal Farm,” the pigs are awful leaders. They do not respect their peers and are very selfish. LeBron James always credits his teammates when he is successful. He is very humble. Unlike the pigs in Animal Farm, LeBron James embodies the characteristics of a strong leader because he/she shows great amounts of passion, celebration, and humility. LeBron James shows passion on the basketball court. He helped