Dr. Martin Luther King's Positive Outlook

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Everyone has been in that confusing situation where you have to decide to have a positive or negative outlook. Whether you choose to handle it positively or negatively can change the situation drastically. Although being negative can sometimes help in situations to solve something faster, but being positive all of the time has the greatest effects on you and people around you. Famous people such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Anne Frank, and Winston Churchill always kept a positive outlook and made great changes in the world. First and foremost, Dr. King was a very vibrant and godly man. He always made everybody happy and tried to make the best out of every situation. He was a pastor at his church Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. He got tired of all of the racial discrimination and segregation amongst blacks and whites. He wanted everybody to be equal, he wished balck boys and white boys, and black girls and white girls could all play together one day. He protested peacefully and positively and hoped his dream would come true one day. Dr. King always kept a positive attitude and looked at the bright and good side of things. Never did he look at something negative, That’s what I think made him so accomplished. Equally important, Anne Frank. She made huge impacts from her diary. …show more content…

This is Winston Churchill. He was a orator and a soldier, he was an advocate of progressive social reforms. He cared about the people. He is certainly and simply a hero in my book. To start he gave amazing and empowering speeches, at 77 years old he became the prime minister for his second time. He spent time in parliament making sure his people were happy. When Germany began to bomb Britain he had planned escape routes and tried to make sure everyone had a chance for safety. For those who died he gave reassuring speeches to his people to remain strong. He made sure they knew he’d give his “Blood, Toil, Tears, and

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