Philosophical terminology Essays

  • Korsgaard's Morality And The Distinctiveness Of Human Environment

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    Philosopher, Christine Korsgaard, assesses her idea of the capacity for normative self government, in her her short writing, Morality and the Distinctiveness of Human Action. In her writing she argues that a form of life, whether human or animal/insect, it is not one controlled by guidelines and principles but is one governed by instinct desire and emotion. Korsgaard makes her claim with examples and premises on intentions. Korsgaard claims that the essence of morality relies on the normative self

  • Abuse Of Power In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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    When you’re in a position of high authority, it comes with a great sum of power. Having a great deal of control can corrupt and can lead to the abuse of it. Abuse of power is using their power for their own benefit even if it may harm others. In the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, the effects of the abuse shown by Curley and Curley’s wife to the other characters will ultimately lead to a tragic end. Curley is a small man who is the boss’s son and has a Napoleon complex and he

  • The Half Husky Analysis

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    Is it even possible to be inherently good or evil at the beginning? Humans are neither of these as they are originally pure nothingness. Unfortunately, the actions of others alters us towards a side, either righteous or wicked. In the short story “The Half Husky” by Margaret Laurence, Harvey, Vanessa, and Nunuk are driven towards one side or the other because of the experiences they have to go through. In the Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore, Five is just a reckless teenager and all he wants to do

  • Character Analysis: All The Light We Cannot See

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    The polish activist, Irena Sendler. once observed, ¨People can be only divided into good and bad; their race, religion, nationality don´t matter¨ (Sendler). Is it really possible to draw a demarcation line between people and divide them into good or bad? This kind of either-or thinking begs the question whether there might be other categories of individuals that overlap each other in term of personality and defy such simplistic definition as good or bad. The novel All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony

  • Examples Of Corrupt Leaders In Julius Caesar

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    “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” Lord Acton famously wrote this quote in 1870. This proclamation is still applicable today. From Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar to the leaders of today, evidence of selfish leaders has existed since the first governments. Throughout history and in modern times, there have been corrupt leaders who have damaged their dominions even when they originally had no intention to put themselves

  • Macbeth Power And Corruption Essay

    1200 Words  | 3 Pages

    Discussing about power and corruption, a British Lord Acton wrote “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” People who argue that “power tends to corrupt” have three main arguments: human has a strong desire for power, power negatively affects one’s mind, and person with absolute power is beyond everything; which will be proved through Macbeth by William Shakespeare. First and foremost, power-hungry is inside human since it is believed to make lives better. I am one, my

  • Power In Macbeth

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    Pursuit of Power George Lucas, a world-renowned screenwriter for the popular movie, Star Wars, once said, “Power corrupts, and when you’re in charge, you start doing things that you think are right, but they’re actually not.” Power is universal, and the tendency to corrupt is ever-present. Moreover, when a weak-minded individual is in power, all the elements are present for abominable effects. Macbeth, who began as a noble soldier for his country, was swiftly brought to corruption and oppressive

  • Gorgias Analysis

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    Callicles comes with a hedonistic belief that pleasure is to be associated with “good” and that pain is to be associated with “bad”, which means a good life is the one full of many pleasures. To refute Callicles belief, Socrates first uses the example of health and disease to explain to Callicles that good and bad cannot happen with a person at the same time, yet pain and pleasure can happen simultaneously. To further enforce his point, Socrates uses the concept of a coward and the brave to provide

  • Response to Kraut’s Desire and the Human Good

    607 Words  | 2 Pages

    In order to reach a better theory to address what makes a life go best we must admit that there are things which are worthy of being desired due to some intrinsic properties they have, as opposed to assuming all things which are good for an agent are good only because they are desired by the agent; this notion however, is too far a departure from the idea of Desire Satisfaction Theory, and requires an alternative ethical theory to account for it. From the deficiencies in Desire Satisfaction Theory

  • Dog In The Nighttime Isolation

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    We humans often wonder if human-beings are fundamentally good or bad? Frankly speaking, we all have the potential to be good or bad, which is, the possibility to turn evil as well as the chance to create goodness. While the majority believes that personality explains our behaviors, it is proved by evidence that our behaviors depend highly on the backgrounds and conditions we find ourselves in. In the book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, written by Mark Haddon, Christopher Boone

  • The Giver Research Paper

    532 Words  | 2 Pages

    Would you ever want to be in a world with no sunlight and have the same temperature every waking day? This is what life is like for the people in “The Giver”, where there is no sunlight and no temperature. When our society has those things...sunlight and different temperatures. These are not the only differences, there are many more between “The Giver” and our society. In “The Giver” they have rules that many won’t agree with, while our society has rules and rights but they are different than “The

  • Power To Influence Paper

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    Influence Influence is defined as "as a force, one person exerts on someone else to induce a change in the target." (Hall, 2007). The level of influence is contingent upon the level of power and power is based on an individual’s role in the corporation. The higher the role, the more power that individual can exert and the more influential that person can become as “the person with the power has the influence” (Tardanico, 2011). There are several sources of power that leaders can exercise including

  • Societal Influence On Sports Research Paper

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    Doing what you want to do is more important than doing what other people want. Societal influences is something in society that can effect your opinions on something. There are a lot of societal influences that surround sports and sports players. These social influences can effect people in positive and negative ways. The three societal influences that I am studying are media, family and popular views. Firstly media is focused the media coverage that different sports and sports gear gets. Next family

  • When Ignorance Is Wrong

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    Judgement is cast down upon us wherever we go. People will judge you secretly, and try to use stereotypes on you. They will try to use their “acts of knowledge” and sway what you think or believe. Some may be wrong, others may be right. Many people say that there are three sides to a story, your side, the other person’s side, and the truth. In society, there are many flaws and problems. Once of the problems we are born with is ignorance. Everyone experiences guidelines in their lifetime. You may

  • John Locke's Philosophy in 'Frankenstein': A Study

    700 Words  | 2 Pages

    John Locke is a philosopher who discovered many theories. His philosophy states, “humans begin as blank and gradually acquire knowledge through experience” (Locke). This means that it is the experiences that determine who you are. They can determine if someone is a good person or a bad person. Positive experiences can make someone a good person; bad experiences determine if someone is a bad person, and the same can be said for the monster in Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein. Positive experiences

  • Similarities Between Powqqatsi And The Great Gatsby

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    “Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of an entire country.” Karl Kraus. We can see this quote present in France with Marie Antoinette, as well as, today in our own society. Power going to a person’s head is a common archetype shown in many pieces of art and literature. Two media that display this archetype are: the 1980 movie, Powaqqatsi, and the 1925 novel, The Great Gatsby. Powaqqatsi by Godfrey

  • Informative Speech: How To Pass In Field Hockey

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    Title: How to Pass in Field Hockey Name: Paige Center Organizational Pattern: Chronological General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech, the audience will know the four types of passing in field hockey. Central Idea: The three most basic passes in field hockey are push pass, slap shot, and drive. Introduction: Have you ever been hanging out with friends and not known what to do? Today I will teach you how to pass in field hockey. I played field hockey all four years of

  • How Does Gertrude Have Power In Hamlet

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    Power: everyone desires to be in charge sometimes right? Well in Hamlet there are two individuals specifically who long to be the “head honcho.” Claudius kills his brother for goodness sake, and Hamlet just wants to make the people happy, and to seek revenge on Claudius. Hamlet just wants to be in control long enough to get rid of Claudius and everything else will fall into place. Hamlet and Claudius go back and forth throughout the play as to who will regain power in the end, they both will give

  • Nietzsche as Free Spirit and New Philosopher

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    (Nietzsche Preface, 36, 211). Other examples are present in the work, but these will suffice to show that this work is of an experimental nature. In the end, Nietzsche is not advocating a new dogma. Beyond Good and Evil is an explanation and a philosophical argument, but it is also an experiment, a creative attempt at a method of interpreting the world. Like other free spirits and new philosophers - if any have arrived yet - Nietzsche has liberated from the prejudices of previous philosophers that

  • Summary Of The Internal Conflicts Of A Reluctant Murder By Patricia Highsmith

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    The Internal Conflicts of a Reluctant Murder Thought out this passage Patricia Highsmith implements Guy’s night alone as a way to criticize and show her own views on a variety of topics.In particular she condemns the ideas of laws of society and their punishments. Guy scrutinizes the law as something that he is not genuinely concerned about and views their punishments as something that he can view without great concern. Also Highsmith explores the concept of conscience and the weight it can put