Paradise Island Essays

  • The Atlantis Resort

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    The Atlantis resort is a casino and water park located on Paradise Island, The Bahamas. The resort officially opened in 1998, it’s Coral and Beach towers opened as the Trump Plaza. After the Royal towers were built the name of the resort changed to Atlantis. Later the Coral and Beach towers were refurbished to match the theme of the Royal towers. A 600-suite luxury hotel was opened on March 28, 2007, called The Cove Atlantis. The Reef Atlantis, another tower with 497 rooms, opened December 19, 2007

  • Atlantis Paradise Island Resort Negotiation Essay

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    Atlantis Paradise Island Resort and Casino is a popular destination located in the Bahamas. The resort’s executive leadership team was facing many challenges in a rapidly changing market. Atlantis faced many obstacles, including attracting and retaining both their customers and their employees, operating under new leadership, and keeping their competitive advantage amongst increased competition year after year. With these obstacles in mind, Atlantis had decided it was time to implement new values

  • Boracay Island

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    to visit on the face of this planet; the island paradise of Boracay in the Philippines. Boracay Island combines crystal clear waters, sugary beaches that squeak, and lush hilly landscapes into an idyllic tourist haven, that's guaranteed to fascinate anyone into tranquil harmony with its simplistic beauty. Boracay is a breath-taking, unbelievably magical Island. A spectacular paradise set in the unspoiled South China Seas. Boracay Island is a paradise indeed. The beach is amazing with its white

  • Island Persuasive Speech

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    are those who would like to visit a deserted island that explore the unknown world located in on it. Today on the UC page we will tell you about eight amazing islands, which are controlled by mysterious and sometimes even scary creatures. 1. About 700 cute and furry creatures along with rabbits run throughout the fluffy island of Ocean hashima Japan. They're very sociable and always come in contact with tourists. However Do not rush to melt. The island keeps a terrible secret. In 1925 Japan signed

  • Holiday at Fun Island Resort, Maldives

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    Holiday at Fun Island Resort, Maldives I awoke to a thud and the noise of what sounded like thunder. The aeroplane had just landed in Male, the capital of the Maldives. I was ecstatic when we decided to go to the Maldives on holiday, one of the most romantic places to visit or so I am told. Alex and I grabbed the bags from the overhead lockers and scrambled our way down the busy aisle towards the exit. When we got off the plane you could feel the intense heat almost immediately. The sun

  • Tahiti and the French Polynesia

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    area as large as the continent of Europe, lies the Territory of French Polynesia and its principal island, Tahiti. Settlers from Southeast Asia are thought to have first arrived in the Marquesas Islands, in the northeastern part of what is today called French Polynesia, around 300 AD and in the Society Islands, including Tahiti, to the west by about 800 AD. Prior to the first European contact, the islands were ruled by a hierarchy of hereditary tribal chiefs. The first Europeans to visit the area were

  • Origins of the Pacific

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    Origins of the Pacific The Pacific is a place of mystery and savagery, and yet is know to many as paradise. The Pacific is ten thousand miles wide and holds twenty-three percentage of the world's languages. What makes the Pacific so intriguing? The people and their culture have mystified so many people, and yet their history was never written down, instead it was orally pasted down from generation to generation. Thoughts on the natives' origin, migration, and survival have puzzled other nations

  • Description Of Taj Exotica Spa

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    spa & resort , Maldives, it is an exclusive romantic and private island resort lush with tropical trees & plants and encircled by coral waters of one of the largest lagoons of the Maldives. This resort is a member of the leading small resorts & hotels of the world. Taj exotica spa & resort spreads idyllically along a pristine beach and serene lagoon. The resort extends its magic of the island blessed natural beauty and coral islands with beautiful design even as it offers the finest in contemporary

  • Pingelap: Island of the Colorblind

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    Envision a tropical paradise, not unlike the island scene pictured above, complete with breathtaking scenery that includes crystal blue waters and luscious plant-life. Now imagine that you cannot see any of these things in color. This is the situation that between 5% and 10% of the native population of Pingelap Atoll, part of the Micronesian State of Pohnpei, find themselves in (3). Supposedly, a freak typhoon-like storm ravaged the island in the late eighteenth century and killed a number of

  • Hawaii

    677 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hawaii: Paradise Island Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the physical geography, history and culture of Hawaii. Central Idea: We will see that Hawaii is a special place, by looking at its physical geography, history, and culture. Introduction I.     What comes to mind when you think of palm trees, beautiful beaches, luaus and hula dances? A.     Hawaii B.     The “Aloha” state. II.     Do you know what aloha means? A.     Aloha is the Hawaiian word meaning love. B.     It is

  • Pacific Homesick: Growing Up in Paradise

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    You could say I grew up in a place most people can only daydream about. When most people hear of where I grew up all they can picture is paradise. There is so much more to the “Aloha State” than the stale beachside hotels covered in an abundance of hibiscus prints with pineapples around every turn. The people, food, and land are the heart of the Hawaiian Islands. My Hawaiian family is awesome because they have the Aloha Spirit, our way of life. Everyone helps one another because we are “Ohana,” which

  • Outcasts in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

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    Aldous Huxley once wrote, “If one's different, one's bound to be lonely.” This is clearly a statement about public acceptance and tolerance of dissimilar people. Aldous’ beliefs can be seen in his book, Brave New World by two outcast characters, John Savage and Bernard Marx. Bernard and John are both outspoken about their ideas on society, but differ in their actions when faced with temptations. Although many citizens are conditioned to appreciate the community they live in, both Bernard and John

  • Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley

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    The story of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley depicts a utopian society conflicted by stability. People are oblivious to the morals and ethics upheld by their ancestors 600 years before and, in turn, are demoralized. Babies are born in laboratories, relationships last no longer than "bedtime", and drugs are provided by government for daily use by their citizens. The drug, "soma" symbolizes estatic rapture experienced by the gloomy looking for escape, material religion for those looking for comfort

  • The Indigenous Responses to Western Imperialism

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    The most valid document relating to the indigenous responses to Western Imperialism in both the Hawaiian Islands and Africa is “Hawaii’s Last Queen on American Annexation” By Queen Liliuokalani. During the late 1800’s, America participated in the Spanish-American war, annexing the Philippine islands. Spain originally annexed the Philippines, but revolts and revolutions took place in the islands in order to disintegrate Spanish rule. This then gave them the motivation to conquer more “halfway stops”

  • Childhood

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    slowing the reader’s pace, this gives the evocation of an island which is safe and peaceful and there is protection, he is close to his father’s house, this gives the idea that the person being described is a child, no worries and an essence of timelessness and security. The next stanza concentrates on the child’s vivid description of the islands and the coast by the island: “He saw each separate height, each vaguer hue, Where the massed islands rolled in mist away,” The repetition of “each” stresses

  • John The Savage Analysis

    1097 Words  | 3 Pages

    John the Savage is a peculiar case within Aldous Huxley 's "Brave New World." His thoughts ran deep, deeper than any primitive native within his reservation. Three distinctly different views aided these thoughts, Linda 's highly spoken words of the brave new world, the Pueblo men and their traditional beliefs, and Shakespeare 's romanticized notions. The collision of these three worlds thus compose the mind of John the Savage, a mind with a belief in a god, a naive view of a world only spoken of

  • Science And Technology In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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    Think about the last time you went out to a restaurant, take notice of just how many times you checked your phone or scrolled aimlessly when the conversation dulled. Technology has come to a point where it requires our attention, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. Similarly, in the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, society has been completely altered through the aid of science and technology. In the words of Mustapha Mond, "It isn 't only art that 's incompatible with happiness;

  • Examples Of Dystopia In The Giver

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    The society in The Giver by Lois Lowry is fairly broken and messed up. Everyone inside the community thinks that everything is under control and they like living that way, because they don’t know any other way to live. To them they live in the perfect world, a utopia. To everyone outside of the community it is a dystopia. They are controlled immensely. There are a few reasons why the community is a dystopia, they have no choice or freedom, and they don’t know what color, music, real emotion, and

  • My Second Home

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    ear from the motor. I turn and gaze over the railing, there are islands scattered in the distance including one, my final destination, the largest island in sight. The mysterious water curls against the edge of the boat, foamy and disturbed by the passing boat. My fingers drum consistently on the railing, repeating a rhythmic beat. I find myself pacing the deck, back and forth, always returning to the same location, facing the island. As the ferry boat approaches the dock, I become overwhelmed with

  • The Azores

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    is made up of nine beautiful and fascinating islands, Corvo, Flores, Faial, Graciosa, Pico, Sao Jorge, Sao Miguel, Santa Maria, and Terceira. A group of islands like this is also called an archipelago. They are divided into three groups. The Eastern group is made up of Santa Maria and Sao Miguel. The central group is made up of Terceira, Graciosa, Sao Jorge, Pico, and Faial. The western group is made up of Flores and Corvo. The capital of these islands are: Corvo, Vila Nova do Corvo, Flores, Lages