Boracay Island

725 Words2 Pages

The scent of the ocean assaulted my nostrils as I had walked passed it. The palm

trees blew in the mist of the cool sudden gust of the tropical, morning air, like smooth feahers

swaying side to side.

As the majestic giant Philippine eagle swoops past my shoulder I suddenly found myself

in my most favorite place to visit on the face of this planet; the island paradise of Boracay in the

Philippines. Boracay Island combines crystal clear waters, sugary beaches that squeak, and lush

hilly landscapes into an idyllic tourist haven, that's guaranteed to fascinate anyone into tranquil

harmony with its simplistic beauty. Boracay is a breath-taking, unbelievably magical Island. A

spectacular paradise set in the unspoiled South China Seas.

Boracay Island is a paradise indeed. The beach is amazing with its white sand, it is wide

and stretched on for kilometers. The northern and southern parts of the island rise into

picturesque hills that face the sea with weather worn cliffs. The Island has numerous scattered

villages interconnected by a maze of intriguing jungle trails.

Boracay boasts one of the world's finest beaches (at least in my opinion.) White

Beach, a stretch of white - pebble sand, bathed by a strip of perpetually turquoise water

allures me in every sense in my body. Bor...

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