Modafinil Essays

  • Modafinil Research Papers

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    Modafinil is a wake-promoting drug that has been prescribed for conditions such as sleep disorders, stimulant dependence, and attention deficit disorder [6]. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies modafinil as a Schedule IV drug [2]. The official website for Drug Enforcement Agency states that Schedule IV drugs have low potential for abuse and minimal risk for dependency [5]. However, off-label use of modafinil is becoming widespread. The drug has received some media scrutiny due to

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

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    2013, Lindsay partnered up to create the product Natural Stacks CILTeP, the easiest and most affordable way to take this combination. Modafinil / Adrafinil Another popular nootropic that many people consider a “limitless pill” is known as Modafinil. Modafinil is the choice for many people who use it to improve their memory, reaction time, and sleep issues. Modafinil has helped prevent fatigue in users and is available without a prescription online. Adrafinil is a legal option that may also be used

  • Smart Drugs Persuasive Essay

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    “smartdrug”, in fact, it’s a painkiller. But it does fit with the fact that taking drugs that are not meant foryou is an extremely dangerous practice.Using smart drugs have negative side effects, even though they make you smarter.“‘Smart drugs’ such as modafinil (brand name Provigil) may have negative effects in healthypeople.” (Rick Nauert, Psych Central News) Huperzine A is another smart drug that improvesfocus and memory. But, like most of the drugs available, it has some side effects. Overdosage ofhuperzine

  • Negative Effects Of Smart Drugs On College Students

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    Do you think smart drugs have a negative side as any medicine? Naturally, there is a negative and positive side of each medicine over the world. Smart drugs are a pharmacological substance used to develop mental function like memory and attention, but if it is propagated or requested from the Internet, it can adversely affect the human brain and body etc. Smart medicine become popular in the modern times and it manufactured Piracetam as a first smart drug. Nowadays, students are tending to use this

  • Kelli White, an Example of the Importance of Credibility

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    the World Championship in Paris in 2003 (Nazzara 1). Less than a year away from the 2004 Summer Olympics, White tested positive for a stimulant, modafinil (Nazzara 1). Her family has a history of narcolepsy, a sleeping disorder, and she claimed she was using the stimulant for medical reasons (Nazzara 1). It was proven that she did not need the modafinil for medical reasons (Nazzara 1). White’s coach had taken her to a colleague, Conte, who provided her with multiple vitamins and supplements, one

  • Narcolepsy: Causes and Treatment

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    Abnormal Psychology Narcolepsy Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness. This disorder causes a number of symptoms that will be discussed further in depth later on but they are, excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), cataplexy, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis. Scientists and researchers believe that the cause of narcolepsy is a genetic mutation. This disorder can cause severe disruption to a person's daily life and routine and can be a cause of

  • Write An Argumentative Essay On Nootropics

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    Acceptance into post graduate schools, specifically law schools and medical schools, has become increasingly competitive; for many students this turning point in their life could either make or break them. In an attempt to get a leg up on their competition, a healthy percentage of students have turned to cognitive enhancing drugs, also known as nootropics, to stand apart from the pack. There is a considerable amount of ethical controversy regarding the use of these supposed performance enhancing

  • Multiple Sclerosis Essay

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    Multiple Sclerosis is a nervous system disease that affects the spinal cord and the brain by damaging the myelin sheaths that protects nerve cells. Destroyed myelin prevents messages from communicating and sending properly from the brain, through the spinal cord, to internal body parts. In the United States, more than 350,000 people are diagnosed with this disease. Anyone can get this disease, but it is more common among Caucasian women. MS symptoms begin between the ages 20-40 and are caused by

  • The Underground World Of Neuroenhancing Drugs Analysis

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    In recent years, a new phenomenon has been sweeping through the country. People, mainly college students, are taking medications typically prescribed for ADHD in order to enhance their cognitive performance. In “Brain Gain: The Underground World of ‘Neuroenhancing’ Drugs,” Margaret Talbot chronicles the stories of people who have had firsthand experiences with these drugs and leads the reader to consider their implications and consequences. The very purposeful structuring, phrasing, and evidence

  • ethics of human genetic enhancement

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    Ethics of Human Genetic Enhancement Genetic enhancement refers to the use of genetic engineering to modify a human’s traits in a way that will benefit them. Although genetic enhancement is capable of providing numerous benefits to the human species, there are a number of concerns that make it a highly debatable topic. While there are some valid claims against genetic enhancement in humans, the benefits outweigh the concerns. As these points are further explored, it will become obvious that human

  • Narcolepsy

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    Narcolepsy Sleepiness, whether due to sleep apnea, heavy snoring, idiopathic hypersomnolence, narcolepsy or insomnia from any number of sleep-related disorders, threatens millions of Americans' health and economic security (1). Perhaps somewhat most concerning of these disorders are those that allow sleep without having any control over when it happens-idiopathic hypersomnolence and narcolepsy. The two are closely related in that both cause individuals to fall asleep without such control, yet

  • The Secret Of Sleep In David Randall's Dreamland

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    Think for a moment about the world; think about our faced paced environment, about how we work ourselves away, about those soldiers who have to stay awake all night surveying a hostile environment. Now consider the United States’ sleeping habits in general, people try to last day to day on five or less hours of sleep a night. Society is pushing a sleepless workplace; actually, depriving one’s self of sleep is one of the worst possible things that can be done. Sleep loss affects everyone; it will

  • What Does It Mean To Be Human Essay

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    Education is concerned with developing the person. Character education promotes especially human traits: courage, mindfulness, ethics. So a vital foundation for character education is establishing a firm idea of what it means to be human. However, the notion of what it means to be human is changing. Our existing cognitive and physical capacities can be augmented by new technology in exceptional ways. Conventional limits to perception and performance may no longer persist. What does that mean for

  • Narcolepsy Essay

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    have a somewhat affirmative prognosis. Drug treatment, behavioral therapy, and prop can assistance narcoleptics lead near-normal, productive lives. To combat the excessive daytime sleepiness narcoleptics are oftentimes counseled stimulant drugs or Modafinil, that was concurred by the FDA in 1999. Cataplexy can be indulged alongside anti-depressants . A biological setback that dictates external replies like emotions or link alongside others, narcolepsy is a good tie amid mind and be

  • Human Health Enhancement Essay

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    Human Health Enhancement Technologies What are Human Health Enhancement Technologies? What if we could be stronger, smarter, and have a better memory? What if we could alter our genes to cure Alzheimer’s, cancer and other incurable diseases? What if we could pause or even reverse the human aging process? NOT POSSIBLE is the first thing that comes to mind. But all of these are now possible, thanks to phenomenal advances in human health enhancement. Human health enhancement refers to any attempt

  • Biology Of Cocaine Addiction

    1945 Words  | 4 Pages

    Marisol Muneton Professor Muller BIOS 104 TA: Monica Farfan The Biology of Cocaine Addiction Drugs are addictive substances that produce pleasant states such as euphoria or relieve distress. Drugs are classified into categories which include: depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. Depending on the type of drug and the way it is used, referring to if it is sniffed, swallowed, injected, or smoked depends the effect the addiction of that drug has on the body. Scientists such as Koob and Le Moal

  • Making the Grade: Cause and Effect of Climbing Academic Pressure

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    Is the increasing pressure in today’s school systems creating a generation of future successful adults in the work force or are we faced with countless amounts of shortcomings including dropouts, drug dependent adults, and psychologically affected students? Although many students escape high school and college unharmed by the potentially enormous pressure placed on them to meet certain standards, there are many that fall victim to the idealistic expectations. Outstanding pressure has been the gateway

  • Reason People are Prescribed Stimulants

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    Stimulants are a type of medication prescribed to treat various medical conditions. A stimulant is a drug that excites any bodily function, more specifically those that increase brain and central nervous system activity (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica). When stimulant medications are taken, dopamine and norepinephrine levels are increased which helps transmit signals between nerves in the brain which increase brain activity. This medication promotes the brain to be alert, increase motor activity