Local Government Areas of Victoria Essays

  • Flooding In Regional Victoria

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    Flooding is an ongoing challenge in regional Victoria and it is expected to affect Victoria every 10-20 years. Victoria consists of 39 drainage basins and each of the basins comprises of rivers and streams (Comrie, 2011, pp.17). These rivers and streams are susceptible to flooding, which may impact various regional towns and communities within close proximity to water courses (Comrie, 2011, pp.17). The discussion of flooding is vital, as it is the most frequent occurring natural hazard, which

  • Transportation In Victoria

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    intellectual design, in order to help sustain a community in reaching goals both environmentally and economically. In Victoria, an expansion of its current bicycle infrastructure alongside an improved public transportation system, could see a significant decrease in private transportation and general vehicle congestion within the city and its surrounding areas. Currently, Victoria has very little incentive for citizens to use public transportation as a main, or supplementary form of transportation

  • Fish Keeping Essay

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    hobby of fish keeping is very large and is popular in the United States. It has expanded rapidly over the past half century, with millions of hobbyists worldwide. The hobby can be divided into two specific areas depending on the type of water the fish originate from. The two basic and most popular areas are freshwater and saltwater fishkeeping. It is important to understand the differences between the two types of the aquarium trade because they are vastly different. Saltwater species and conservation

  • Overview of Music Victoria

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    Marketing Plan Summary Music Victoria is the peak government body in Victoria that seeks to actively support Victorian music with a vision of being nationally and internationally recognised for realising the full potential of Victorian music through their strong, progressive and independent voice. In order to do this it is time for Music Victoria to asses what they are doing and think about taking a different approach to marketing and towards getting their name out there, making people more aware

  • Critical Analysis of SPCA Case

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    supplying packaged fruit and vegetables. The Victoria state government recently made a decision of assisting struggling SPCA with $22 million to bail it out of the dilemma. It has been controversy over the rationality of this decision since the date on which the decision was released. This report critically evaluates the SPCA’s bail out case by using triple bottom line model, and delivers an opinion that SPCA was worthy of the investment from government. A detailed case study is summarized in subsequent

  • Victoria Climbie Case

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    Throughout this essay, the health, safety and welfare policy and practise that came about after the Victoria Climbie case will be reviewed and evaluated. After arriving in England in November 1991 from the Ivory Coast, eight-year old Victoria Climbie suffered abuse from her great-aunt, Marie-Therese Kouao, and her great-aunts partner. The anguish and eventual murder of Victoria in 2000 from hypothermia, caused by malnourishment and damp conditions, provoked ‘the most extensive investigation into

  • Zimbabwe Culture

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    region in Sub-Saharan Africa. Zimbabwe recognized for all of the gorgeous scenery such as Victoria Falls, the Zambezi River, Hwange National Park, Safari areas, and Matusadona. Victoria Falls is the world 's most prevailing sheet of falling water, located on the Zambezi River at the border of Zambia. Victoria Falls is named in honor of Queen Victoria of United Kingdom (Zijlma, A, n.d.). The local name for Victoria Falls is "Mosi-oa-Tunya" meaning

  • Coastal Management Case Study

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    Research question: Is marine and coastal management in Victoria truly integrated? Introduction: Marine and coastal zones have always attracted humans and their activities because they are one of the most dynamic regions on the earth due to the array of habitats and ecosystems(Europa). The attractiveness of marine and coastal zones based on their charm and abundance of resources make them appealing for humans, which transforms them into destinations full of living benefits (Europa). This includes

  • Victorian Public Health And Wellbeing Plan Essay

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    plan establishes a new and ambitious population health vision for the state: a Victoria free of the avoidable burden of disease and injury. The priority areas of the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan are healthier eating and active living, tobacco-free living, reducing harmful alcohol and drug use, improving mental health, preventing violence and injury, and improving sexual and reproductive health, the priority area that I will mainly be focusing in this essay is tobacco free living. The three

  • SPC Ardmona Case Study

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    Introduction The Victorian State Government has announced a $100 million co-investment with Coca-Cola Amatil to rescue SPC Ardmona, including $22 million rescue package in February. This announcement came after the refusal of $25 million grant from the federal government. However, there is also doubt why the taxpayers have to pay for the company’s mistake, and whether it is an effective use of tax money to save this company. This report provides a brief overview of SPC Ardmona’s problems, and based

  • History Of Victoria Police

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    Introduction Body Background and context What is Victoria Police? Victoria Police, formed in 1853 is the primary law enforcement agency of Victoria. They are an organisation who provides a 24 hours a day, seven days a week policing service to the state of Victoria ensuring the safety and social wellbeing of over 5.6 million people (Victoria Police, 2012). Victoria Police is a large government organisation who currently has over 15,000 people working for the organisation; these include police members

  • Colonialism In Zambia Essay

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    Zambia is a landlocked country in south-central Africa with a surface area of 752,600 square kilometers, which is slightly larger than Texas (10). Zambia is the continents biggest copper manufacturer and is the site to one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, Victoria Falls (3). So, why is this country on the list of least developed countries? “Social conditions are tough. Poverty is widespread. Life expectancy is among the lowest in the world and the death rate is one of the highest - largely

  • The Failure of Inter-agency Collaboration to Safeguard the Well-being of Children

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    serious case review of Victoria Climbie with the dilemma of how the interagency working to benefit to children’s learning and development has failed to safeguard a vulnerable child. Whilst, the lack of interaction, respect for each other’s role and responsibilities, collaboration, assessing and transferring un-accurate record, has resulting in the death of Victoria Climbie. In addition, to safeguard the children, there are statuary laws and policies implemented by the government for instance, the Human

  • Regulating Prostitution

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    Paris, prostitutes were confined to working in brothels in particular areas of the town and were required to wear armbands, dye their hair, "or in other ways distinguish themselves from respectable society matrons" (Bullough and Bullough, 1987, 125). Women who violated such codes of behaviour could find themselves expelled from that district, literally being run out of town. Confining the sex industry to specifically designated areas was also seen as economically advantageous in that it enabled municipal

  • Affordable Housing In Australia

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    especially those in the city areas (Gilbert, 2011). The cost of buying and living in your own home in Australia has risen dramatically, to a point where many middle and especially low income families being pushed into the rental market, not into home ownership. This leaves lower income families competing for adequate and affordable housing. The competition for housing causes rental prices to increase and creates difficulties for families in finding a house in a safe area with good services (Robinson

  • Describe The Dandenong Range

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    they were original owners of the land and a lot of the history of the Dandenongs was created because of them. Parks Victoria have a role in managing the park and providing places where the flora and fauna are protected.

  • Essay On Electricity Industry

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    industry revenue combined. The figure below gives the percentage of market share occupied by the four major industry players. Figure-1: Electricity Retail Market share (Finch, 2013) We would confine our Porter’s five force analysis only to the state of Victoria. The idea is to analyze the five forces in a relatively competitive market. In Australia, almost eve... ... middle of paper ... ...han the retail price of the electricity, the shifting of customers entirely to the rooftop solar systems in order

  • Childhood Obesity In Children

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    concern, there are prevention strategies that have been implemented and have worked in some countries, but probably require some element of cultural adaptation (e.g. using local food in food programs). Thus, it is likely that every successful solution should include education along with the cooperative efforts between government, community, and family in order to be

  • Children Act 2004 Essay

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    Following the death of eight-year old Victoria Climbié in 2000, the Government asked Lord Laming to conduct an inquiry (Laming, 2003) to help decide whether to introduce new legislation and guidance to improve the child and young protection system in England. The Government’s response was the Keeping children and young people safe report (DfES, DH and Home Office, 2003) and the Every Child Matters green paper (DfES, 2003), which led to the Children Act 2004. The Children Act 2004 does not replace

  • Addressing Child Food Insecurity in British Columbia

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    living as adults” (Government of Canada, 2015). Therefore, it is essential that local communities look for ways to reduce the food insecurity