Grease: You're the One that I Want! Essays

  • Comparison of Blood Brothers and Grease

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    Comparison of Blood Brothers and Grease I have studied plays, two of them being Blood Brothers and Grease. I will be comparing and contrasting Blood Brothers with Grease, both of the plays are set in the restrictive 1950's. Blood Brothers is about twin brothers and their mother who are forced through poverty to give away on of the sons. One stays with his mother, a poor cleaner, and grows up in poor surroundings. The other is given to the mother's boss, a woman who can't have children

  • Grease Comparison Essay

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    Grease the hit music sensation of the late 70’s and early 80’s took the Hollywood industry by storm. Not only is Grease a classic, but it was the start of theme of high school musicals. There is an enormous amount differences between Grease One and Grease two, it’s almost heart breaking. The music and theme are completely different it’s difficult to tell that it’s a Grease sequel. In Grease one the music was Catchy and relatable, with every verse there was a connection with some part of my life

  • Pop Culture: Did Someone Say Hamburger?

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    known for fatty foods, because of the grease found in hamburgers. Hamburgers can be found at most restaurants, fast food places, and popular holidays, and get togethers. With that being said it can be concluded that hamburgers are the most American food because of the grease, popularity, and since they’re easy, they’re found everywhere. In America, we like to make things as easy as we can. When someone tells me they want to have a gathering, the first food I think of, hamburgers because they’re

  • Grease's Ending: My Analysis And Story

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    Chelsea’s Musical Theatre Assignment Chelsea’s Musical Theatre Assignment 1. Similarities Both productions end with the song, “You’re the One that I Want.’ Frenchy is the first friend Sandy makes at Rydell High Sandy is Australian The main cast of characters is the same. (Sandy, Danny, Sonny, Keneckie, etc.) Vince Fontaine hits on Marty at the school dance. Differences The “Rizzo being pregnant rumour” plot device is in the movie, but not in the school edition. The character of the coach is

  • Film Review of Grease

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    Film Review of Grease Girls, grab your poodle skirts! Guys, grab your hair grease and leather jackets! "Grease" is the word, and after nearly 25 years since its initial theatrical run, it's every bit as enchanting and fun as it ever was. The numbers speak for themselves: after two theatrical releases, one in 1978 and a reissue in 1998, the worldwide box office total for what is considered to be Hollywood's most successful musical stands at $341.1 million. You can argue with opinion, but

  • Making Doughnuts

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    Doughnuts I am no chef or culinary genius by any measure, but the story I’m about to tell should amply highlight my expertise in the field of “how not to cook.” As a young man of about 14 or 15, I really enjoyed making food for myself, and usually managed to make something resembling an edible substance, so it was no surprise one evening when I decided that I wanted to make some of those small, sugar covered donuts that can be found at about any Chinese restaurant. Just as usual, I looked up a

  • Recipe for Stroganoff

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    because at least four of them will refuse to eat it. The leftovers can be kept in the refrigerator for a long time, though no one I know has ever actually eaten them except the dog, so I can't speak to how well they keep. The ingredients are as follows: one frozen loaf of bread dough; one bag of the noodles that are thick and curly; one onion; one six pack of beer; one and a half pounds of frozen ground meat; a tub of sour cream; two cans of Cream of Mushroom soup. A low fat version can be

  • Comparison of Billy Elliot and Grease

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    The musicals Billy Elliot and Grease present both conventional and unconventional representations of gender throughout. Both musicals also seem to obscure the message of the underlying gender stereotyping issues by overshadowing them with elements such as music, dance and costume. Men have been stereotyped as dominant, strong, brave and aggressive. Also there is an image of men being portrayed as harder workers than women and supposedly the more intelligent gender. “Men are thought to be physically

  • Lying By Immanuel Kant Analysis

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    Imagine this, you're out shopping with a friend and they try on a really ugly dress, they then ask if you like it. What do you do? You know you don't like it. Do you tell the truth or lie? Everyone lies, from young kids to adults. It’s everywhere. Immanuel Kant described a lie as “An intentional untruthful declaration to another person.” In my opinion, everyone lies, usually because they have to, or just to do it. For example, in the article Brad Blanton, by Barbara Ballinger, Blanton states,

  • Informative Speech: Changing Spark On A Vehicle

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    A. Safety tips 1. You want to make sure your engine is a cooled down so you don’t burn yourself 2. If you begin to change the plugs out while the engine is still hot you could damage the aluminate threads on the engine where the plugs screw into. B Picking out the right spark plugs and wires for your vehicle. 1. Every vehicle has a specific type of spark plugs and wires that are designed for it. If you purchase the wrong one and install it you could

  • The Importance Of Theater

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    entertainment and technology become intertwined, the role of theater seemingly decreases in our society. However, recent productions such as Grease Live and Hairspray Live prove that contemporary society craves live theater, just like they did in ancient Greece. Growing up only a train ride north of New York City, I’ve always been blessed with easy access to live theater. I have vivid memories of going to see my first

  • Get An Allowance Short Story

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    everything from the tooth fairy to Santa Clause and now allowance! I have been one of those lucky mothers who has managed to get her child to do chores without having to pay for it until now! We recently increased Ava's chore list from only having to take care of the recycling to adding in loading and unloading the dishwasher and tidying

  • Americans Conflicted About Lying Analysis

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    Do you want to know why lying can be acceptable? It can be acceptable because of many reasons. Lying is sometimes acceptable when making others think positive about themselves, protecting people, or causing to harm others. Lying can be acceptable when trying to protect a loved one or someone, When complimenting someone that’s not even pretty or cute. Saying the girl is pretty but the truth is that she's the opposite. In the article “Lies, Lies, Lies” the second paragraph it says,” Most little white

  • Free Process Essays - Preparing a Pumpkin Pudding

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    1/2 tsp. cloves, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 box spiced cake mix, 1 1/2 cubes margarine or butter, and 3/4 cup favorite chopped nuts (if desired) and a 9 x 13 inch baking pan. You may also need a measuring cup and measuring teaspoons if you want to measure the ingredients evenly. Also, you'll need a small bowl, to beat the three eggs and melt the butter in, and a large bowl to mix the ingredients together. Now that you have all your ingredients, you can get started on the fun, but first

  • High School : High Standards

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    things that people fill one’s head with. For most this is never true. The best thing one can do in high school is please themselves. The worst thing to do in high school is to force yourself to fit in. One’s wants and needs vary from person to person. So just because there is a bigger group that enjoys the opposite of one doesn’t mean that you should conform just to have friends. True friends are better than fake ones. The more in touch a person can get with oneself in situations where you have to pretend

  • America And I Anzia Yezierska Analysis

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    interpretations of the American Dream. One can say that the American Dream is having an education, clothes, food, a house, and a job. Another can say that it’s an opportunity here and to do something great. Then there is just a simple dream, to be able to pay the monthly bills without any worries, or being able to give your children a better future by saving up. There is one question that is being asked now, Does America still provide access to the American Dream? In my opinion, i do not think America can still

  • Something The Cat Dragged In Sparknotes

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    The group is surprised as the Herbert’s cat, Portland Bill, carries in a severed hand that appears dirty, and has a golden wedding ring on one of its fingers. The crew mulls over their choice of what to do with this hand for several days, they contemplate whether to turn it into the police, or simply let it blow over and go on with their lives. Michael plays detective as he dismembers the

  • Women's Roles in Television

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    of the domestic guardian and men had the responsibility of providing the money, shelter, and food. Shows that portrayed women like this were I Love Lucy (October 15, 1951 – April 1, 1960) and Leave It to Beaver (October 4, 1957 – June 20, 1963). These shows characterized the female main characters traits to be shallow, simple­ minded, and obedient. In I Love Lucy, Lucy and Ricky, her husband, switched jobs (season 2, Episode 4, Switching Jobs) Lucy had a tough time “bringing home the bacon.”

  • Peter Piper Pizza Research Paper

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    For me, I wonder how someone could have invented such a great place that could bring joy and happiness, to both your childish side as well to your appetite. Peter Piper Pizza is happiness from the moment you walk in. As soon as you open the doors you get a whiff of pepperoni and cheese. Walking towards the cash register you can literally see everyone having a great time, as well as signs of the deals they're having a picture of the pizza they serve on the side. The moment you get to the cash register

  • The Pros And Cons Of Buffing

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    nothing but remove value from your car. When it comes time to sell, you might find yourself forced to sell the car for less than you hoped. However, utilizing a little bit of elbow grease, you can remove surface scratches by getting down and dirty with some buffing. That’s the predicament I found myself in recently, when I made plans to sell my 2008 Honda Civic Si sedan. The paint is, well … it’s not good. Years of winter driving, highway miles, and non-touch-free car washes left plenty of surface scratches