Fungal Essays

  • Opportunistic Fungal Infections

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    Fungal infections are either opportunistic or endemic ubiquitous fungi that exist freely in the environment cause endemic fungal infections. On the other hand, opportunistic fungal infections only cause disease when the immune system degrades [1]. Opportunistic fungi are commensal with the host and a very low intrinsic virulence to cause until the immunity is altered. Some of these include: Candida species, Aspergillus species, pneumocystic jirovecii and Cyptococcus neoformans. These disseminate

  • Athletes Foot Essay

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    Athlete’s Foot: Tinea Pedis DEFINITION • Athlete’s foot is also known as ringworm of the foot. • It is a contagious fungal infection of the skin of the foot (particularly the upper layers of epidermis) caused by the fungus, Trichophyton or Epidermophyton floccosum. AETIOLOGY • Athlete’s foot is caused by dermatophytes, a group of parasitic fungi that cause infections in the outer layers of the skin. • The fungi flourish in warm and humid conditions making area such as public swimming pools, public

  • Mycosis Essay

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    subsequently change the taste and odours of the drinking water. Drinking of the infected water will cause fungal infections in human. Despite through water, human diseeses are also possible through several circumtances which include exposure to aflatoxins, direct infection and allergy. Aflatoxins or mycotoxins are harmful to animals or humans (Hedayati et al, 2007). Dramatic increases in fungal diseases caused by filamentous fungi have occured since 1980s (Latģe, 1999). Studies found that the etiological

  • Effect of Lead Ions On Bacterial and Fungal Amylase

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    Effect of Lead Ions On Bacterial and Fungal Amylase Amylases are enzymes, which hydrolyse starch into Maltose. There are two types of amylase: Alpha amylase that degrades starch, which is a polysaccharide, into fragments 10 glucose residues long. Beta Amylase breaks these down into maltose, which is a disaccharide of two glucose molecules joined together. Both enzymes work by hydrolysis of the glycosidic link in carbohydrates. Enzyme amylase are produced from different sources but

  • Effectively Treating Fungal Problems with Terbinafine Hydrochloride

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    Effectively Treating Fungal Problems Abstract Lamisil, which is chemically terbinafine hydrochloride, is the premier antifungal drug on the market. It effectively destroys fungal problems ranging from athlete’s foot to onychomycosis. However, Lamisil has a number of problems associated with it, including cost, side effects, and even effectiveness. Therefore, I created two analogs in an attempt to improve Lamisil, which I will discuss in my paper. Plenty of fungal problems exist, including

  • Amylase Essay

    1570 Words  | 4 Pages

    pH and temperature amylase activity from fungal and mammal Introduction The first enzyme that was produced industrially is amylase from a fungal source in 1894, it was used to treat digestive disorders. Amylase are groups of enzyme that breaks down starch into sugar and starts the process of chemical digestion. Its primary function is to digest enzymes and its optimum pH is 7. Amylase is measured by mixing a substrate with a buffer and measuring the change of the mixture. The reason why we measure

  • Tinea Capitis Research Paper

    548 Words  | 2 Pages

    The definition of Tinea Capitis is that it is a fungal infection of the scalp and hair shaft that is associated with scaling, pruritus, and hair loss. The treatment for this condition usually evolves an extensive regime of oral antifungal medications along with preventative measures to aid in containing the infection (not spreading). Alos, topical medications to help penetrate hair shaft. This fungal infection is the most common fungal infection for children under the age of twelve. However

  • Bacterial Amylase Lab Report

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    types of enzymes, each containing a specific set of optimal temperatures. These temperatures represent the set of conditions at which the enzyme works best in. Enzymes are used in our everyday lives in order to break things down, for example starch. Fungal and bacterial amylases are the two enzymes tested in this experiment to see their ability to break down starch. To determine how temperature affects

  • Essay On Ciclopirox

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    that has been used by the Canada population and the only topical antifungal that has been approved in Canada in order to treat onychomycosis. Subissi et. al (2010), stated that the mechanism of action of ciclopirox is varied from other topical anti fungal that act through ergosterol inhibition. This unique and the level mechanism of action has give a very low potential for the resistance development in pathogenic fungi. MECHANISM OF ACTION Ciclopirox acts differently with more complex mechanism of

  • Murcormycosis Essay

    667 Words  | 2 Pages

    DISCUSSION Mucormycosis, most commonly caused by Rhizopus species (6, 15, 60), is a life-threatening emerging fungal infection that occurs in patients with increased available serum iron (e.g. from diabetic ketoacidosis [DKA]), in patients immunocompromised by neutropenia or medications (15), or in trauma patients (61)(62). The infection is generally acquired by inhalation of spores that are ubiquitous in nature and cause either rhino-orbital (almost exclusively in DKA patients) or lung (mainly in

  • Essay On Meningitis

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    the three outer layers of the brain. To be more specific, those three layers are called the Dura mater, Arachnoid mater, and the Pia mater. There are three main types of meningitis that will be discussed throughout this paper; viral, bacterial, and fungal. Each form is very similar but they all vary in terms of causative organisms, treatment and severity. Although meningitis is not very common, it can become very severe and always needs to be treated immediately. As far as vaccines go, there are

  • Fungi Case Study

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    more than 900 million years ago (Cladogram, 2015). Most fungi are saprophytic, parasitic, predatory, or symbiotic. The organisms of the fungal lineage include mushrooms, rusts, smuts, puff-ball, morels, molds and yeasts. There are many diseases in humans caused by fungi, examples are jock itch/roundworm, ringworm, Aspergillus infection, and Fungal Meningitis. Fungal infections of the skin were the 4th most common sickness of the skin in 2010 affecting 984 million

  • Meningitis

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    Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, which are membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis can be caused by infections from viruses, bacterium, or other microorganisms. Due to the inflammation being in close proximity to the brain and spinal cord, meningitis can be life threatening and is classified as a medical emergency. The first recorded major outbreak of meningitis occurred in 1805, even though many scientists suggest that Hippocrates was the first to discover the existence

  • Protein Synthesis Case Study

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    1. Describe the mode of actions of the drugs that interfere with protein synthesis. Antimicrobial drugs that block protein synthesis react with ribosomal-mRNA complexes. These drugs are safe only because bacterial ribosomes are different in size and structure compared to human ribosomes, however, they can damage human mitochondria since they can contain ribosomes like bacterial ribosomes. 2. Name and describe the actions of the aminoglycoside subgroup. Aminoglycosides are broad-spectrum drugs

  • The Importance Of Fungi Essay

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    environment than using chemical pesticides. Crop Diseases Fungal parasites may be useful in biocontrol, but they can also have enormous negative consequences for crop production. Some fungi are parasites of plants. Most of our common crop plants are susceptible to fungal attack of one kind or another. Spore production and dispersal is enormously efficient in fungi and plants of the same species crowded together in fields are ripe for attack. Fungal diseases can on occasion result in the loss of entire

  • Meningitis Essay

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    Meningitis is defined as inflammation of the meninges, which are the thin membranous covering of the brain and spinal cord. There are different variations of the disease which include bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, and non-infectious. Bacterial meningitis is severe in most cases. Many people fully recover but for those who are less fortunate it may cause brain damage leading to learning disabilities and hearing loss. There are many different pathogens that cause bacterial meningitis. The

  • Enhanced Gene Susceptbility 1 (EDS1)

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    Without a fully functioning EDS1 gene, the plant is more susceptible to Arabidopsis plant pathogens, such as fungal and bacterial pathogens, and autoimmune diseases (Falk et al. 1999). Therefore, it is critical that the EDS1 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana is present and does not have any mutations that could reduce its effectiveness in resisting pathogens (Østergaard and Yanofsky 2004).

  • Buying Healthy Shoes

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    Taking your time to check the shoes' overall make. Treat fungal infections. Fungal infections can cause discomfort and embarrassment especially when there is odor. Infections such as athletes foot and nail fungus arise from keeping feet in moist conditions for a long time and poor hygiene. These infections can be treated using over the counter anti fungal creams, gels and nail polish. Dry your feet well especially between toes and wear a clean pair of socks

  • Citrus Fruit Essay

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    Fruits have abundant vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates as well as they constitute high amounts of water making them more susceptible for microbial spoilage. The average water content in fruits is 84.9%, carbohydrates 13.2%, protein 0.88%, fat 0.53%, and ash 0.46%. Along with vitamins and other organic compounds, fruits are excellent material for microbial growth. Because the pH level of fruits is relatively low and more acidic, yeast and mold have more competitive edge than bacteria. Citrus fruit

  • Ringworm Research Paper

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    WHAT IS THE CONDITION/ILLNESS Tinea, or ringworm as it is often known as, is a highly contagious fungal skin infection (Herlihy, 2011) caused by dermatophytes. There are many different types of ringworm that can form; - Tinea pedis or athletes foot, is found on the foot area; - Tinea capitis is found on the scalp; - Tinea barbae which is found on bearded areas of the neck and face; - Tinea corporis is found on the body; - Tinea cruris is located in the groin area; - Tinea faciei, which is when it