Erasmus Darwin Essays

  • Wedgwood Case Study

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    Further, he developed at all levels of generation, promoting, and exchange keeping in mind the end goal to make the best item for his customers. Wedgwood was a self-teaching polymath who built up a top notch item to take care of the masses' demand. These advancements in porcelain went with financial and social changes that empowered individuals to partake in the extravagance products' business sector. Farming advancements brought about urban relocation and made an English society in which the majority

  • Skepticism and the Philosophy of Language in Early Modern Thought

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    skepticism in early XVIth century has been considered one of the major forces in the development of modern thought, especially as regards the discussion about the nature of knowledge and the sciences. Richard Popkin in his History of Skepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza (1979) has shown that skeptical arguments were influential in the attack against traditional scholastic conceptions of science, opening the way to the development of the new scientific method. The dispute between those who embraced skepticism

  • The Voyage of the Narwhal by Andrea Barrett

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    revealed in many ways. Erasmus Wells, a middle aged man is the Philadelphia naturalist. He joins the expedition partly because he hopes to make up for the miserable failure on an earlier expedition, then secondly because his sister Lavinia is engaged to marry Zeke, so he serves as a protégé, as he promises. He hopes that in this expedition, he could gather enough information from the regions natural history. He plans this time to bring something home from the trip. In Erasmus' earlier expedition of

  • Comparing the Secular Humanist, Machiavelli and the Religious Humanist, Erasmus

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    Comparing the Secular Humanist, Machiavelli and the Religious Humanist, Erasmus One can often identify a person's political, religious or cultural orientation by his or her reaction to certain words. A case in point is the expression "secular humanism." For religious conservatives those words sum up much of what is wrong with contemporary society. Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary gives several definitions for humanism, a word which made its appearance in 1832. The first is "a devotion

  • Ken Wolf's Personalities and Problems

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    historical figures without drawing a time line for the course of history and simply reiterating information as in a textbook. Wolf's layout of the book created an interesting, clear, and informative study of world civilizations. Chapter twelve, about Erasmus and Luther, exemplified the interesting, clear, and informative way in which Wolf created his work. Although there are many other examples in Wolf's book as to how these aspects ring true to his purpose, I chose chapter two as only one reason. The

  • In Praise of Folly - Erasmus' Dichotomy

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    In Praise of Folly - Erasmus' Dichotomy The Silenus box is a "case carved like an ugly Silenus" that can be "opened to reveal beautiful, precious objects" (Erasmus 43, footnote). This box appears in Erasmus' Praise of Folly as a metaphor for the central claim in the novel, which is that that which appears to be Folly (ugly) externally, is wise (precious) within. Erasmus reveals this dichotomy on three levels: in the image of the box itself, in his genuine praise of Folly, and in the structure

  • The Political Structure of More’s Utopia

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    metaphor, and its proposals for the perfect state. The work is claimed by Nicholas Paine Gilman in Socialism and the American Spirit to be: a masterpiece of wit, written by a man who knew the world, and sent forth this book, inspired by Colet and Erasmus, not as a sure prophecy of the form civilization must take in a thousand years or less, but as a quickener of human sympathy and a stimulus for thought and faith in man (353). The work is a masterpiece of metaphor written by a man with a

  • The Most Important Leader of German Humanitism

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    Rotterdam, Holland, 28 October, probably in 1466; d. at Basle, Switzerland, 12 July, 1536. He was the illegitimate child of Gerard, a citizen of Gouda, and Margaretha Rogers, and at a later date latinized his name as Desiderius Erasmus. Eventually his father became a priest. Erasmus and an elder brother were brought up at Gouda by their mother. When nine years old he was sent to the school of the celebrated humanist Hegius at Deventer, where his taste for humanism was awakened

  • Desiderius Erasmus' The Praise of Folly

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    Desiderius Erasmus' The Praise of Folly Originally meant for private circulation, the Praise of Folly, by Desiderius Erasmus, scourges the abuses and follies of the various classes of society, especially the church. It is a cold-blooded, deliberate attempt to discredit the church, and its satire and stinging comment on ecclesiastical conditions are not intended as a healing medicine but a deadly poison. The Praise of Folly, by Desiderius Erasmus, takes on a very diverse form of life during

  • Critiquing Society through In Praise of Folly

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    Critiquing Society through In Praise of Folly It may seem strange to praise Folly, but there is one certain advantage to foolishness: the freedom to speak the truth. In Praise of Folly, Erasmus put this freedom to good use in reminding his readers, a society greatly corrupted by worldly concerns, that one cannot serve both God and Mammon. He smoothed over his satire by assuring us that "there is merit in being attacked by Folly" (7), and finished with the reminder that "it's Folly and a woman

  • Desiderius Erasmus - "prince Of The Humanists"

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    On October 28, 1466, Desiderius Erasmus was born the illegitimate son of Margaretha Rogers and Gerard in Rotterdam, Holland. Despite such a dull and seemingly trite birth, Erasmus would grow to be a great influence in the Renaissance era. Through the questioning of established people and institutions, such as modern theologians and education systems, Erasmus became known as the “Prince of the Humanists” and a great revolutionary known throughout the world. Erasmus was raised by his mother through

  • William Shakespeare's Hamlet

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    The puzzling tragedy that is Hamlet will forever be speculated, which is why it has attracted such attention and praise. The madness in which Hamlet lives draws decisions of polarizing weight. Stay righteous and live out your life with your father’s killer? Or do you slay him and suffer before god and the law? It bears moments of wisdom, followed by inexplicable actions and Vis versa. One moment you find the protagonist staring at his girlfriend with his pants at his ankles, the next you find him

  • A World Lit Only By Fire

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    fight their way to the top. In this particular book, a man named Desiderius Erasmus must fight to keep the worldwide body of Christians united as Catholicism attempts to tear the people apart, limb-by-limb. Erasmus was not fond of the Catho... ... middle of paper ... ...ding himself, then someone else is. Those who hold a higher rank to him and have more power in the world can easily manipulate an unguided man. If Erasmus had not saved the Europeans from the corruption of the Church, there would

  • Differences Of Erasmus And Martin Luther

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    people’s longing for salvation, (Wolf, 149). Desiderius Erasmus and Martin Luther both found faults within the church. Erasmus was not as violent as Luther, although they did criticize many of the same abuses. Luther expressed his belief in salvation by faith. Erasmus did not like Luther’s attack on the church authority as well as his strident language. Erasmus was concerned about ignorance and Luther was concerned about sin, (Wolf, 153). They

  • Humanism In 16th Century Europe

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    Despite the fact that Erasmus was a devout Christian, he disapproved of the forces of corruption present in the Church’s functions. He condoned the Church and enlightened the common folk about the Church’s misconduct through works of satire, attacking “priestly greed, the abuse

  • On the Bondage of the Will, by Martin Luther

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    The year is 1524; Desiderius Erasmus, the famed humanist scholar, has finally chosen a side in the debate between the Catholic Church and Martin Luther by publishing his Diatribe on Free Will (Waibel 71). Prompted by Pope Adrian IV to distance his own humanist work from the spiritual reform of Luther, Erasmus’s Free Will asserts how important humanity’s freewill is in the effort of salvation (Tomlin 139). His view was a direct assault against Luther's own vocal opinion on the subject (Waibel 72)

  • Erasmus and Praise of Folly

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    Desiderius Erasmus wrote his seminal masterpiece of christian humanism “Praise of Folly” in 1511, yet the effects and influence of this small piece of cathartic, witty banter would permeate social consciousness in the european renaissance mind and play a significant role in the revolutionary state of church politics in the days before and after Martin Luther’s reformation. In his mere 40,000 words, Erasmus succeeded in highlighting most of contemporary critical theory about the Catholic church and

  • Erasmus of Rotterdam in Praise of Folly

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    works of the Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus, often titled the Praise of Folly, Erasmus’s seminal pre-Reformation essay examines aspects of Church teaching as well as aspects of worship which Erasmus deems worthy of the biting satire he utilises Erasmus was unrelenting in his criticism of pedantry, sophistry and demagoguery among both clerical and secular figures. Rediscovery of Aristotle and the birth of humanism in the renaissance The influence of Erasmus on humanism during this time was so great

  • Erasmus: Live Learn Love

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    Desiderius Erasmus, a man of few spoken words, wrote many arguments about how the church was being run. He felt that everyone acted “godly” and thought that they were above people. He critiqued not only those in the church, but many broad generalizations of people as well, citing the bible. Most of Erasmus’ disdain for the way things were run was due to the circumstances he was raised in. With his “The Praise of Folly” Erasmus shows his humanistic worldview, as well as tells people what they should

  • More’s Utopia, Erasmian Humanism, and Greek & Roman Beliefs

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    Much can be learned about England in the sixteenth-century from More’s Utopia both from the book itself and as a result of the circumstances of the time that influenced his writing of it. There is a great debate over More’s actual opinions, as More is a character in the book as well. It is not known wether More (the character) was supposed to represent More, himself, or if More’s opinions were more along the lines of Hythloday’s. There is a view that employs the knowledge of the Erasmian humanist