Era Vulgaris Essays

  • Personal Narrative: How She Affected My Face And Hand

    576 Words  | 2 Pages

    These are the stories about all of the times I have injured or hurt areas on my face and head. I have had a lot of major and minor injuries to my face and head and now all of the stories are coming out. So I hope whoever is reading this enjoys these stories. I will start from the bottom up on my face so the first story is about how I dislocated my jaw. So early this past summer I was at kickboxing practice and I was sparring and training with my friends just like any other day. But when I was sparring

  • Herbal Acne Treatments

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    Herbal acne treatments include the treatment of acne with the help of natural and readily available herbs. Although there are various effective acne treatments available in the market, most people prefer treating themselves naturally rather than with the help of chemicals on their skin. Herbal acne treatments are usually adopted as they are light on the skin and have very few or no side effects as compared to the chemical options. Though, before you select a herb for the natural acne treatment

  • Resolving Problems With Acne

    842 Words  | 2 Pages

    TIRED OF ACNE PROBLEMS? HERE ARE TOP 8 TIPS TO FIGHT THEM. The skin is one of the most sensitive parts of our body and therefore it is imperative that we take utmost care about it. We get exposed to a great amount of pollution and heat everyday as we go out and as a result our skin experience a lot of damage which sometimes can pose deeper problems in the long run. Acne is a very common skin problem among teenagers and it occurs during the puberty and continues up to adulthood, triggered

  • Treatment for Acne Scars

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    Treatment for acne scars Description: - Acnes scars of different type. Some are permanent like and some are likely to be cured. So the treatment options can be adopted according to the type and severity of the acne. Key words:- Acne scars, Acne scars, Acne scar treatments, treatments for acne scars, Laser treatment for acne scars, Home remedies for acne scars, Home remedies for acne scars Treatment for acne scars Acne scars occurs because of the infection that occurred to the acne. This

  • Spironolactone Research Paper

    3205 Words  | 7 Pages

    Background Acne vulgaris is the most common cutaneous disorder affecting adolescents and young adults. Acne vulgaris is a disease of pilosabaceous follicles with four pathogenic factors. These factors are follicular hyperkeratinization, increased sebum production, infection with Propionibacterium acnes within the follicle, and resulting inflammation. Follicular hyperkeratinization is increased proliferation and decreased desquamation of keratinocytes lining the follicular orifice. This results

  • Scar Removal Essay

    851 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are various ways in which people can easily hire pimples marks on their skin and so they search for the most effective lotion for acne scar removal. Irrespective of how the scarring happened, scars can have a substantial impact on an individual's confidence. In today's social life, people will always feel the have to erase imperfections from their skin. In this context, a mark therapy lotion provides a wonderful answer that can easily guarantee that individuals will feel much better concerning

  • Ichthyosis Vulgaris: Fish Scale Disease

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    the worst. Ichtyosis Vulgaris (or also called fish scale disease) is a skin disorder that is passed down the family line that leads to dry, scaly skin. Ichtyosis Vulgaris is one type of skin disorder that is very common. You are born with this skin disease which it is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. This type of skin disease is not life threating at all but there really isn’t a way to cure it at you just have to go on living with it. They symptoms of Ichtyosis Vulgaris are: dry skin, scaly

  • Story on Acne

    689 Words  | 2 Pages

    Acne, A Teen Epidemic Sarah walked into the Doctors office. She was just turning 15, and had long black hair, with bright green eyes. She was so pretty, except she had acne. People at school would laugh and make fun of her, just because she had pimples. “Sarah McMahon’s here for her appointment,” Sarah’s mother told the receptionist. Sarah went and sat down in the waiting room. There were little children running around, playing with toys. Sarah missed those day’s. No one made fun of her for her

  • Personal Study Of Pharmacology

    515 Words  | 2 Pages

    The world of chemistry and science has always been fascinating to me. The scientific method has had a profound impact on every aspect of our lives since its inception. From Newton to Einstein, intellectual curiosity has been the most paramount resource for uncovering the mysteries of life. My selection of pharmacology as a career came mainly from my love for science and secondly, from a personal experience. I struggled with acne throughout my adolescent life and into my adulthood. My condition deteriorated

  • Acne Essay

    2209 Words  | 5 Pages

    What is acne? Acne is a common skin condition and it appears to run in families. A link between the family history and patients with acne problems has been formed which suggests that there is an increased probability of developing acne if an ancestor had suffered from the condition. (Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology Unit, 2002). This skin condition causes hair follicles to affect the patients face, chest and/or back. During puberty many teenagers experience acne at different severity levels

  • Understanding Acne

    1824 Words  | 4 Pages

    what the age or gender seeing a pimple appear certainly can make a person feel a little debbie downer even on a good day. People know the feeling of not wanting to leave the house because they are too embarrassed by the acne on their face. Acne Vulgaris is the medical term used today for acne. (What is acne?...How to rid of acne) Acne should be treated as a medical skin condition because of all the physical medical side effects as well as the mental side effects that comes with having acne. It may

  • Skin Essay

    1163 Words  | 3 Pages

    Skin is a natural protective barrier and function as body immunity first line of defence. It helps keeping out from microorganism that come from external environment, regulating temperature and fluid, also in some extent, it protects against sunlight. Skin consists of three layers, which are epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer. Dermis layer is the innermost layer, containing lots of connective tissues, blood vessels and nerve endings. The substituent of connective tissue including elastin and

  • Benefits of Facial Laser Treatment:

    963 Words  | 2 Pages

    Benefits of facial laser treatment: • The primary advantage is that the laser treatment is an absolutely harmless and painless method of facial. It does not involve going under knife and bearing the pain. • The laser procedure is much faster than the surgical operations. Moreover, regular visits are also not required to derive benefit of the treatment. • The time required for recovery and recuperation in laser treatment is less than that required for surgery. Considerations: These three factors

  • Glycolic Acid

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    Glycolic acid is a group of chemicals known as alpha hydroxyl acids or fruit acids. It is mainly derived from sugar cane, and hence it is a natural product. The citric acid found in oranges and other citrus fruits also come under the same division as glycolic acids. The glycolic acid acne treatment can be effectively used to treat some cases of acne. Glycolic acid is mostly used in cosmetic forms rather than industrial. It is usually used as a skin exfoliant and a moisturizer. Some proponents

  • Explain How To Get Rid Of Acne Essay

    549 Words  | 2 Pages

    Articles #1 Best Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Overnight Please before you read on note that this post is a guest content from my friend. Enjoy his story on how he was able to get rid of acne overnight. His words: I began getting somewhat bad acne when I started my career. It is not that surprising as my career is one anyone practicing it can be pretty dirty at almost every time. Alright you may want to know my office well I am military officer. That apart, with the green/black camo on my face and my

  • Teenage Acne Treatment

    901 Words  | 2 Pages

    According to the American academy of dermatology, nearly all of the teens have experienced occasional breakout. Acne strikes all teens equally. The teen acne usually begins between the ages of ten and thirteen. Most of the cases of acne resolve by the time the person is in their twenties, though it is not unusual for it to continue into adulthood. Usually the normal cases require mild to moderate teenage acne treatments since they are just a passing phase of the skin. The hormonal changes occurring

  • What causes acne?

    831 Words  | 2 Pages

    What causes acne? Acne vulgaris, the medical term for common acne; is the most common skin disease. It is so common that nearly eighty-five percent of the population will develop some form of acne at some time between the ages of twelve and twenty-five years. Although there are several theories about what causes acne, medical doctors generally agree that acne is a by-product of hormonal changes in the body. At puberty (that period of life when a child develops secondary sex characteristics), increased

  • Proactiv: A Skin Care Product

    773 Words  | 2 Pages

    Proactiv is a skin care product created to treat acne and other skin problems. It is a product that is known worldwide. This product was created by two famous dermatologists, Dr. Katie Rodan and Kathy Fields. Proactiv is a three step process to clearer and better skin. Proactiv’s message is to tell us that their product can make all your acne problems go away. The audiences that they want to appeal to are mostly teenagers and those who have acne. Their ads can make teens and people who have acne

  • Acne Vulgaris: A Case Study

    1924 Words  | 4 Pages

    12-24 (Tahir 2010). In the midst of the 50 million people affected with acne vulgaris, adolescences are generally most susceptible due to elevated sexual hormones (Zaenglein et al., 2016). Numerous factors increase the production of acne vulgaris. Inadequate diet, menstruation, sweating, over exposure to ultra violet rays and excessive stress influence the appearance of acne (Shamsi et al, 2015). High rates of acne vulgaris occurring in people across the world produce a greater need for antibiotics

  • Importance Of Skin: Your Health, Hygiene And Appearance

    1499 Words  | 3 Pages

    Skin: Your Health, Hygiene, and Appearance The first thing someone notices about you is your skin. A person cannot hide all their skin, so the way your skin looks says a lot about you. Skin can be a way someone can tell your age or determine your hygiene. Taking care of your skin is very important for your health, but also for your self- esteem. Your skin can make you feel self-conscious, or very confident, all depending on how it looks. Your skin is important in many ways, so taking care of it