Personal Narrative: How She Affected My Face And Hand

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These are the stories about all of the times I have injured or hurt areas on my face and head. I have had a lot of major and minor injuries to my face and head and now all of the stories are coming out. So I hope whoever is reading this enjoys these stories. I will start from the bottom up on my face so the first story is about how I dislocated my jaw. So early this past summer I was at kickboxing practice and I was sparring and training with my friends just like any other day. But when I was sparring I had my hands to low and my friend landed a perfect punch on the left side of my jaw. And as soon as it hit I felt a big pop and my jaw was like stuck in one place. Luckily my coach just came up and popped it back in, it still hurt for the next day or so but its been good ever since. …show more content…

I wasn’t wearing my mouth piece when I should have been and I got hit in the face and it somehow chipped my tooth. Also 2 of them are from dirt bike wrecks, just falling or flying off from trying new or stupid stuff. And I think that is it for teeth. Next up is when I broke my nose, and ill bet you can guess this one is also from kickboxing. I got faked out and went to duck a punch and they threw a leg kick and their shin hit straight on at my nose. I think its all good now but I could pop my nose back and forth for like a month, honeslty I probably shouldn’t have been doing that. Alrighty next we have my eyes, I have had multiple black eyes throughout the years. From fighting with my cousin, to hitting it from doing stupid stuff, and also from kickboxing. And recently I got hit in my eye pretty hard at wrestling practice and it was black for a few days but there is also a blood clot in my eye. Its supposed to go away within the next

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