Danga Interactive Essays

  • How Did Mardi Tan Launch The Yumcha Website?

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    In December 2000, Mardi Tan created the Yumcha website, which earned her an award as the New South Wales Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in the Shell-Livewire entrepreneurship competition. This validated her work and encouraged her to continue her work towards the website. Her first version was Yumcha 1.0, this was a simple website and didn’t have the advanced features like blogs and on-line shopping. This type of technology required assistance of a programmer and Tan didn’t have the budget

  • Hypertext as a Medium for Writing

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    focusing on Chapter 7 “Interactive Fiction” and chapter 8 “Critical Theory in a New Writing Space” and their emphasis on digital poetry and the increased role of the reader in the reading process. The information taken from these two works will then be compared to the interactive hypertext webpage entitled “Heading South” by Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) English graduate student, Cheryl Ball. In relation to hypertext, the role of the reader seems to be more interactive than that of a typical

  • Interactive Cable Archives and Videoconferencing

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    Interactive Cable Archives and Videoconferencing The integration of technology into curriculum and instructional practices in P-12 education has been gaining momentum in classroom reform across the nation (Mowre-Popiel, Pollard, & Pollard, 1994). Interactive and digital technologies are now recognized as tools by which educators can bring unique resources into the classroom (Schutte, 1998; Wise, 2002) and engage students in dynamic, self-constructed learning (Branzburg, 2001). The use of technology

  • Marketing Strategy For an Interactive Pub Quiz Website

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    Marketing Strategy For an Interactive Pub Quiz Website My business idea is an interactive pub quiz web site run nationally for big cash prizes. This work was initially produced in a group for a national young entrepreneur's competition. Just to tell you, we won. METHODOLOGY I propose to conduct my research by means of secondary information by using a variety of textbooks including the Heinemann AVCE Adv. Business, Osborne Adv. Business textbooks plus another few. These will be a means

  • Interactive Fiction: Computer Games

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    Interactive Fiction: Computer Games When I read a good novel I always imagine myself participating in the events, going on the journey with the characters. I can still clearly remember the first time I finished The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. I was 9 at the time, and the books had a great effect on me. When the story ended, it seemed like I had been along for the ride. Yet I had been involved in the action only as a bystander, nothing more than a ghost watching things happen, unable

  • Computer-Based Training

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    and has evolved from the simplest definition, "The use of computers and multimedia technology for training"(http://www.unn.ac.uk/~buu504/comp_bt.htm). The best definition for CBT is from a 1995 text called Making CBT Happen by Gloria Gery. An interactive learning experience between the learner and computer in which the computer provides the majority of the stimulus, the learner must respond, and the computer analyzes the response and provides feedback to the learner (1995). Although this definition

  • Interactive Museum Experiences

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    Interactive Museum Experiences “I am Richard Nixon, president from 1969 to 1974. I was a lawyer and studied at Duke University Law. I died in 1994,” says Marjorie Cozzens, age 8 (Dooley, 2003, p. F4). The third grade class at Karigon Elementary School, of which Marjorie is a member, were preparing for the opening of their Presidential Wax Museum on Friday, March 7, 2003. Marjorie’s third grade teacher, Renee Bortolini has her class choose a president, learn about them, and on Friday, the

  • Time Warner and AOL Merger

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    revenue. Terry Hershey, president of Time Warner Interactive's Entertainment division says "We have now built into our process the protocol that when we look at a project we automatically say, what other applications are there?" Time Warner Interactive is a subsidiary of the media conglomerate Time Warner Inc. and is currently making use of this idea of co-development. For example, in the fall of 1994 they launched a CD-ROM version of the classic "Peter and the Wolf" at the same time that

  • Multiculturalism and Technology

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    about the idea of multiculturalism in the classroom, and the positive effect that it has on students. She stated how students could become better writers by learning about the beliefs, experiences, and opinions of others. Hairston writes "In an interactive classroom where students collaborate with other writers, this process of decentering so one can understand the "other" can foster genuine multicultural growth." This q... ... middle of paper ... ...re being taught is steadily changing. With

  • The Purpose of Microsoft.NET Initiative

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    pathway for the degree qualification. The outline of the problem was to investigate the purpose of the Microsoft.NET initiative and to bring together the information found from the research undertaken into two end products. Firstly a simple interactive presentation explaining in simple terms what .NET[2] is and secondly a PowerPoint presentation to bring together the findings to present a comprehensive information base. At this point it is worth noting that the information about the initiative

  • Interactive Media and Its Effects on Copywriting

    612 Words  | 2 Pages

    Interactive Media and Its Effects on Copywriting Interactive media and the World Wide Web have become an entirely new medium for advertising copywriters. As new innovations in computer technology arise, copywriters find the best ways to utilize interactive media for marketing their products, and sometimes, themselves. They have discovered several key marketing methods including hypertext, JAVA, and accuracy of information. According to Duif Calvin, author of "The Nintendo Generation," hypertext

  • Student Cafeteria Business Plan

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    that we decrease the average service times for all food stations as well as reduce the minimum service time for the interactive cooking station and increase the inter-arrival time. We can implement this by offering specials a half hour to an hour before the rush period begins, have enough precooked meals available to accommodate the rush and precook the ingredients for the interactive station. We can also have the manager step in as the second cashier whenever a certain amount of time transpires. The

  • Interactive Hypertext for Interactive Readers

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    Interactive Hypertext for Interactive Readers With every new advancement in technology the roles of the writer and the roles of the reader are changed; sometimes it is a small change and other times it can be a drastic transformation. In this modern age it seems the role that the reader or the audience plays is shifting significantly. I don’t think there has ever been a point in history where there was as much interactivity as there is currently. The main reason for this change in the reader’s

  • Importance Of Room Environment In The Classroom

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    Room environment has a significant impact on a students learning process. The room environment includes anything, such as how the class is set up to how the teacher interacts with the students. If the room and teacher are boring, the student will also be bored as well. However, if the room is exciting and the teacher is dedicated to making learning fun, then the student will also find learning exciting. Mrs. Razo 's sixth grade class has a room that 's filled with excitement and potential at George

  • All Media Is Cross Platform

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    platforms. The concept whether there is such a thing as “passive old media [and] interactive new media” (Negroponte, 1995) within the changing media landscape is ongoing, however it could be questioned to what extent this is actually true. Is the media from then and now really that different? Dwyer (2010) has argued that digital media has replaced and supplemented these “passive old media” forms with more interactive and multi platform convergent ones. However, Jenkins (2006) ideas denote that ‘old

  • Redbox Automated Retail

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    Redbox Automated Retail, LLC – Marketing Mix Redbox Automated Retail, LLC specializes in automated DVDs, Blu-ray Discs and video games rentals, was founded by McDonald’s Corporation. Customers are able to rent movies or video games at an affordable price via a vending machine. The idea was to drive more traffic to McDonald’s and added convenience to customers. In 2002, the company tested two concepts by placing fully automated convenience store kiosks (vending-like machine that sells anything

  • Cyberbullying and E-Safety: What Educators and other Professionals Need to Know

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    pressure that is applied to an individual that takes place by using new media. “We use the term new media to describe a media ecology where more traditional media, such as books, television, and radio are converging with digital media, specifically interactive media and media for social communication” (Ito et al., 2009). Common equipment used by offenders can be devices such as computers, cell phones, tablets; any technology that allows for communication. New Media has influenced cyberbullying to become

  • Observation of a Hallway

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    The building labeled B appears to be the main building for courses at Local Community College. Students walk in and out of the building all day and stop only to enter a classroom or buy food from the vending machines which fill one corner of the building’s long hallway. Often, students sit on the chairs that line the walls while waiting for a class to start, but for now the hallway is nearly empty and waiting for the ambush of students. Outside the classroom, a number plaque reading one-hundred

  • Classroom Observation Essay Examples

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    The first part of my observation time was spent in an 8th grade classroom in the Neosho R-5 school district. During this time I was fortunate enough to see many different groups of students, varying types of activities in and out of the classroom, and a few different styles of teaching. These and other factors made this a very enjoyable and informative experience that I will undoubtedly learn from, and I will be able to utilize this knowledge in my own class. Of the school as a whole, my first

  • Lesson Reflection

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    Going to placement is one of the best parts of my week because I really appreciate learning from Mrs. Much. Mrs. Much begins class by having the students sit on the carpet, while she explains the lesson for the week. Last week’s lesson was to be able to put events or ideas in order using the words first, next, and last. This week students were learning a whole new lesson. This week’s lesson was to be able to use text features, such as photographs, bold print, illustrations, labels and glossary to