All Media Is Cross Platform

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The concept of cross media can be defined as a “…story or experience that is distributed across multiple media platforms using a variety of media forms.” (crossmedia innovations) which has increased since technology revolutionised and has become a huge part of our lives.

The media in today’s society has arguably become much freer to do what they want than ever before because of the growth of cross media platforms and technology. There has been a rise of blogs, the uploading of videos and a massive growth of social networking sites and technological devices such as mobile phones that are now used for more than telecommunication purposes, it has the ability to play music, video, take photographs, has access to internet access and much more. “A process called the convergence of modes is blurring the lines between media… such as the press, radio, and television.” (Dwyer, 2010). These types of media are no longer individual and isolated, due to convergence and the ever evolving technology the lines have become blurred and fragmented allowing producers and consumers to create media and distribute it on various media platforms.

The concept whether there is such a thing as “passive old media [and] interactive new media” (Negroponte, 1995) within the changing media landscape is ongoing, however it could be questioned to what extent this is actually true. Is the media from then and now really that different? Dwyer (2010) has argued that digital media has replaced and supplemented these “passive old media” forms with more interactive and multi platform convergent ones. However, Jenkins (2006) ideas denote that ‘old media’ forms don’t actually “die”, they still exist but it is simply forced to coexist with new media; “what dies are simpl...

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