Cervical collar Essays

  • Cervical Collar History

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    information is needed provide an overview of the rigid cervical collar from a historical and functional point of view. The initial idea of using a cervical collar for patients with potential or actual cervical spine injuries was put to use in the early 1960’s, in the form of sand bags placed on each side of the head. It was not until sometime in the 1970’s, when the first true extrication collar was used. Since the actual inception of the cervical collar, they have been used in prehospital services during

  • Pre-Hospital Immobilization of Trauma Patients

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    It is appreciated that the given case study contains other factors such as psychological trauma and the impact of blood loss. However this essay is going to explore the efficacy of pre hospital immobilisation utilising cervical collars and extrication/ orthopaedic stretchers, reflecting on an account from the paramedic’s practice. A modified framework of Gibbs Reflective cycle (1988) will be used. Including Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Conclusion and Action Plan. This essay is supported throughout

  • Wonder Collar

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    Wonder Collar Pet owners, you know that technology has given us great many tools to make life easier and happier for you and your pet. With things like invisible fencing and the microchip ID, you pet's safety is greatly increased. And with noise training products, you can live at peace with you pet humanely. But the problem with these products is that you have to buy four or five different products each with its own collar. It is impossible to use them all at one. Well this is a problem no longer

  • Pixar Reflection Paper

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    need some improvement. Within the first few seconds of watching my video, what struck me was my clothing and my posture, both of which were in slight disarray. Wearing a collared shirt can add a sense of professionalism to a speaker - however if the collar

  • Picasso

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    of curiosity and constant awareness, as well as optimism and enjoyment. Picasso makes great use of directional lines in this self portrait. His forehead slants at the same angle as his jaw and ear, collar, and lapel. His hair is combed at an angle that matches with the neck, left cheekbone and collar. His right cheekbone is a continuation of the line representing where his shirt buttons up which also matches the line of his left lapel. It looks like he...

  • Failure of the American Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman

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    Failure of the American Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman is a story about the dark side of the "American Dream".  Willy Loman's obsession with the dream directly causes his failure in life, which, in turn, leads to his eventual suicide.  The pursuit of the dream also destroys the lives of Willy's family, as well.  Through the Lomans, Arthur Miller attempts to create a typical American family of the time, and, in doing so, the reader can relate

  • The White Doe, by Francesco Petrarch

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    he finds the doe once more. The way I interpreted this stanza was that the doe was wearing a collar with a diamond on it. I came to this conclusion because the stanza's first two lines say, "Around her lovely neck 'Do not touch me'/Was written with topaz and diamond stone[.]" It seems as though the doe was once owned by someone because the stanza continues the inscription on what I believe to be the collar: "'My Caesar's will has been to make me free.'" I think it is some kind of ghost deer that was

  • The Movie Fight Club

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    I choose Fight Club as my topic, because I am so familiar with it. Fight Club was the first movie shocked me deeply. Jack, Tyler and Marla are the main characters of Fight Club, a white-collar worker, a soap manufacturer, and a female smoker who makes a living by sale the clothes she steal off from washing machine. Jack is an insomniac, he find the cancer patients’ meeting can make him go sleep. Therefore, he is addictive for those different kinds of meeting, same as Marla. One time, when Jack went

  • Educating Prisoners - An Unnecessary Effort

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    whether they have committed felony, rape or assault. White-collar crimes are the same as any other crime. Still, most inmates are from the middle class and lower class of our society. However, committing crime, and what kind of crime, is still the choice of the person, whether he has attained a formal education, a higher degree of learning or not. Still the fact remains that the scope of understanding and the extent of knowledge of white-collar crimes, being more complicated by systems and networks

  • Laundry

    609 Words  | 2 Pages

    start folding. Fold the shirt lengthwise along the line of the outer edge of the collar or neck band. Smooth the sleeve out, using your fingers to pull at the seam, making it slightly taut. Fold the other side over. Fold it lengthwise, along the line of the outer edge of the collar. Repeat the sleeve-smoother technique. Fold the shirt in half. Take the bottom edge of the shirt with both hands and fold it up to the collar. You're done--onto the next one! To Fold a Shirt: •     Lie the shirt flat. •     Fold

  • Blue Collar Student: Are Jobs Good Or Bad?

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    Blue Collar Student: Are Jobs Good or Bad? Are part time jobs good or bad for a student? This is an interesting question that pertains to almost half of all high school students. Jobs provide students with many different qualities but at what cost? This will be the topic of discussion in this paper. Part time jobs are as common to students as mooing is to cows. Many students find it necessary to have a job after school and during the summer. One benefit of having a job is it builds character

  • The Collar by George Herbert

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    George Herbert throughout his poem “The Collar” puts his thoughts, feelings and complaints on paper on freedom restrictions. He resolves to break free from the binds fastening him to the life he fights to be free from. In various ways, countless things hold down and confine us from doing certain things daily. All the way through history people fought for the rights that tied them down for what they believed in. Herbert explains in his poem that one requires some restrictions even if we cannot

  • The Collar

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    The Collar George Herbert was born on April 3, 1593 at Montgomery Castle, the fifth son of an eminent Welsh family. Herbert's religious beliefs caused him to be an active opponent of the puritans and the Calvinists. Herbert became the cannon of Lincoln Cathedral and in 1630 he took holy orders. During the years Herbert spent at Bemerton he worked on a collection of verses known as The Temple. Upon his death they published the manuscript. The poem "The Collar" is a complaint voiced

  • People need People

    1940 Words  | 4 Pages

    curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights, upon the dressing table, upon the delicate array of crystal and the man's toilet things backed with tarnished silver, silver so tarnished that the monogram was obscured." They also saw a man's collar, tie, suit, shoes, and discarded socks. "Then shockingly, laying right there in the bed was the man. For a long while we just stood there, looking down at the profound and fleshless grin. The body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace

  • The Conflict Perspective of Deviance and Deviants

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    as a product of the exploitative nature of the ruling class. Deviance is a behavior that the rich and powerful see as threatening to their interests. An example of the conflict perspective relating to deviance is white- collar crimes. (Edwin Sutherland {1940,1983}) White-collar crime is any crime committed by respectable and high status people in the course of their occupations. (Lower status people commit crimes of the streets; higher status people engage in ?crimes of the suites?). (Nader and

  • Cervical Injury Essay

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    ○ Spinal cord injury (traumatic central cord syndrome secondary to cord compression or vascular insult) ○ Vascular injury (vertebral artery or carotid artery dissection) ○ Soft tissue injury around cervical spine (cervical strain/sprain) CLASSIFICATION • Cervical Injury classification25 ○ Major cervical injury – Radiographic or CT evidence of instability with or without associated or potential localized or central neurologic findings 25 □ Presence of: □ Displacement of more than 2 mm

  • Personal Narrative Writing: How It Feels To Be Colored Me

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    block won. I never felt that I was special because of my race. Nor did I feel discriminated against. Of course, I was sheltered from race and racism. I never knew any people of color because I grew up in an all-white, lower-to-middle-class blue-collar neighborhood. I never encountered someone of another race, and my parents made sure of it. I wasn’t allowed outside of our own neighborhood block, as my mother kept a strong leash on me. Not until I was much older did I wander outside the safety

  • An Analysis of Political Elitism

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    An Analysis of Political Elitism It is easy to believe that the middle-class working individual, whether he or she be white collar or blue collar, wields little political power except for during an election. It is also easy to think that we don’t have true democracy; political representation elected by the people, for the people, and controlled by these people. This is an ideology that is often worn out. Instead, these elected representatives are controlled by political élites: high-ranking political

  • Quotes

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    thing, like a toaster, or something. Like you can know what it is, even. But ever so often, I’ll have like...a moment where being myself, and my life right where I am is like...enough". "It's amazing the things you notice. Like the corner of his collar that was coming undone, like he was from a poor family and couldn't afford new shirts. That's all I could see. The whole world was that unraveled piece of fabric. It's such a lie that you should do what's in your heart. If we all did what was in our

  • Shirts and What They Say about the Man Who Wears Them

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    A man’s dress shirt can speak volumes about his personality. The colors, the collar and cuff styles and even the fabric and fit of the shirt all combine to create an impression. By selecting each carefully a man can control first impressions and second glances. A man needs between six to ten shirts per week to have a fresh look for everyday. With a little help, a man can cultivate just the right look for himself. The first choice to consider is the preferred fit of the shirt. Today shirts come in