Accuracy and precision Essays

  • Increasing Accuracy While Shooting

    620 Words  | 2 Pages

    shoot accurately, but there are several factors in both the gun and your shooting style that can negatively affect precision and accuracy. Having poor accuracy does not amount to simply having a poor gun or being a bad shot. It's usually a culmination of several factors in both the gun and the shooter that makes poor accuracy so common. The good news is that you can improve your accuracy with some very simple changes and considerations. Gun Selection All guns have their own benefits and disadvantages

  • Determination of Relative Atomic Mass of Lithium

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    Determination of Relative Atomic Mass of Lithium Evaluation: In general the accuracy of the experiments was good. However with practice, the accuracy could be improved; accuracy being how close the results are to the real answer. I think I have carried pit the experiment as well as I possibly could at the time with the given conditions and time period allowed. I have gained precise results from the practical. However, looking back at the analysis section, the relative atomic mass values

  • Explain How You Will You Ensure That The Titration Is Carried Out Accurately?

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    1.Explain how you will ensure that the titration is carried out accurately The burette and pipette I’m going to be using should be rinsed out with the solutions they are going to contain. After filling the titrant solution, I have to check the tip of the burette for any air bubbles, if it contains air bubbles the volume readings will be incorrect. Always rinse out the conical flask with distilled water because normal tap water contains ions, this will affect my results. Tap water have chemicals

  • Analysis: Verification Vs. Validation

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    Introduction The compendia monographs are generally considered reliable sources for the methods of analysis of both the raw materials (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, API’s and Excipients) and Finished Drug Products (FDP). However, because there are so many factors involved during the analysis, this includes for example the reagents grades and suppliers, different instruments variations, and the analysis personnel, therefore, double check of the mentioned method of analysis to confirm that it

  • Methods Of Linearity And Concentration

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    .. ...e, the British Pharmacopeia Finished Drug Product method of analysis in the monograph was taken as granted without being checked for its appropriateness, in this situation Verification should have been carried to check at least the Accuracy, Precision and Specificity of the BP method for the finished product. According to the findings of the performed full method validation, the specificity old method (BP one) was not specific, which means an overlap of the API peak with another component

  • The Importance Of Chemistry In High School Chemistry

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    Prompt 1: A theme that I have noticed in lab that has stood out to me is the importance of being both accurate and precise with your measurements while conducting and experiment in the lab. Given the fact that I only had one chemistry course in high school, I was unsure as to what I should prepare for with a college level chemistry course as well as the lab that went along with it. The one skill that my high school chemistry teacher always scrutinized was the ability of his students to be both accurate

  • Nutritional Status: Demographic Strengths And Weaknesses

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    measurements can be considered as non-invasive, inexpensive, and suitable methods for evaluating the nutritional status in population studies. However, many anthropometric techniques are dispose to errors that could reduces their precision and influence on their accuracy. (Sicotte et al, 2010; WHO, 2000) 1.4 Aim of the study The aim of this study report was to interpret and appraise information related to nutritional status from measures including height, weight, waist circumference, ulna length

  • Glassware Experiment

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    types of glassware, and how we should handle the laboratory equipment. The accuracy and precision of a particular type of glassware is important because it allows for accurate measurements when performing different experiments. It also allows us to differentiate between glassware that is better for containing substances versus glassware that can deliver substances more accurately. In order to measure the accuracy and precision of the different types of glassware, we first chose seven different types

  • Keeping Data in Business

    1005 Words  | 3 Pages

    accurate and reliable is seen as very important for businesses, as it is part of the running of the business for example business run using data as part as there day to day of the business; for example businesses such as Ford Explain ways that the accuracy of source data can be improved before it is used. The Importance of keeping data accurate and reliable Keeping data accurate and reliable is seen as very important for businesses, as it is part of the running of the business for example

  • How Length And Width Of Copper Wire Affect The Current

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    Investigating How Length and Width of Copper Wire Affect the Current of a Circuit Task: To investigate how length and width of copper wire affect on the current of a circuit. Prediction: In this experiment, the input variable will be changing the length of the copper wire used in the experiment, and also the SWG of the wire, which means the width of the wire. By changing this variable, the current the circuit will vary. With my knowledge in science and some

  • Memory

    546 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Can our memories be described as accurate? Why or why not? What important implications might this have for our lives?” Memory is the tool we use to learn and think. We all use memory in our everyday lives. Memory is the mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experiences. We all reassure ourselves that our memories are accurate and precise. Many people believe that they would be able to remember anything from the event and the different features of the situation. Yet, people don’t realize

  • Molarity Lab Report

    556 Words  | 2 Pages

    this experiment was to: create a dilute NaCl solution and calculate molarity, molality, and parts per million, experimentally determine the molarity of the same dilute NaCl solution through Mohr chloride precipitation technique, then, evaluate the accuracy by comparing the actual value to the experimental one. The actual molarity was calculated using the average density of three trials, mass of NaCl in solution, and molarity formula to be 0.0140 mol/L, the molality was calculated to be 0.0143, and

  • Precision and Cleanliness in Volumetric Glassware Calibration

    1066 Words  | 3 Pages

    Volumetric glassware are containers that have been calibrated at specific temperature to deliver or contain very precise amount of liquid. In order to ensure the accuracy and precision of the glassware’s then a calibration must be done. The assumption of volume for volumetric glassware is dependent on the cleanliness of the surface. Although accuracy is more important in TD (to deliver) glassware there should still be considerations for the messy and unpleasant substances on the surface of the TC (to contain)

  • Hydrometer Essay

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    not be considered to be within calibration if it was not operating under the specific range of temperature outlined on its calibration report, as density changes with a change in temperature. It is not possible to remedy this, as a hydrometer is a precision instrument designed and calibrated to function at certain temperatures. o General uncertainty – the quality of the readings of most instruments decreases over time due to any number of environmental and internal factors, as frequent calibration is

  • Precision Lab

    1689 Words  | 4 Pages

    determination error which will allow you to find the density of different substances. To calculate error in the experiment we will be using two terms precision and accuracy. Precision is a measure of how well an instrument or technique or student generates reproducible results. This means that if an experiment is tested multiple times the precision is how close each measurement

  • Random And Random Errors In The Alka Seltzer Merners

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    Errors Random and systematic errors are both factors that can affect the reliability and accuracy of the results respectively. As all the graphs contained outliers, and hence, scatter, this indicates that random errors were present. Such errors may result from the inconsistent masses of the Alka Seltzer tablets. As these tablets were cut manually with a knife, it is unlikely that the mass of each half of an Alka Seltzer tablet would be the same. Thus, when using the tablets to react with HCl, the

  • Precision Guided Munitions

    5349 Words  | 11 Pages

    Precision Guided Munitions During the Persian Gulf War of 1991 a new class of weapons made its debut and presaged a revolution in military affairs. Although precision-guided munitions (PGMs), ranging from laser-guided bombs to Tomahawk cruise missiles, represented only a fraction of the total ordinance used in Iraq, the effect they had was electric. The television footage of a bomb dropped from more than 6 miles above descending onto its target and hitting with absolute precision was at once

  • Force Torque Sensor: How Does The Sensor Feel The Force

    1653 Words  | 4 Pages

    So, it can save valuable programming time via the hand-guiding functions or improve quality control by increasing the accuracy of your applications. All in all, it is a powerful addition that can be added to many applications. (Figure.4 Collaborative Robot) 7 SPECIFICATIONS There are mainly 2 different types of specifications. First the signal specifications which refers

  • Antiplatelet Essay

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    1.1 DRUG INTRODUCTION Antiplatelet drug are used to treat heart disease. They are powerful medications that prevent the formation of blood clots. When you are wounded, platelets arrive on the scene and group together, forming a blood clot that stops the bleeding. When an injury involves a break in your skin, this is a good thing. But platelets can also aggregate when injury to a blood vessel occurs from within the inside, as may happen in an artery affected by atherosclerosis. In this situation

  • Catalase Lab Report

    1449 Words  | 3 Pages

    5 second timeframe would be a more accurate way of measuring. Using 2 thermometers throughout the practical and if there is an error then that error is consistent which will increase the accuracy even if the precision is affected. An electronic bath that maintains a certain temperature would increase the precision of the