Too Young For Facebook: The Dangers of Children Having Facebook Accounts

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Everyday younger kids are making social networks pages this introduces them into a new world that hardly knew anything about. There are so many reason why younger girls and boys shouldn't be on social sites at certain age. Sexual predators aren't the only dangerous thing about the internet, their peers could also assualt. In very few cases younger kids can be misleading and get someone older into some legal trouble.
The internet is a public place that people of all ages and race can access all of your information. Even though sites such as Facebook and Twitter have privacy settings, young users do not know how to enable these settings. Sexual predators can then access the young kids profile. They could access photos, wall posts and also contact them through personal message. Often these people lie about their ages, tell the kids what they want to hear then later asks to meet in person. This dangerous act can lead to rape, kidnapping and even murder. Most young girls look for people to love them and show them affection that they want. Older men know that girls are very vulnerable at ...

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