Classroom Discipline Essays

  • Philosophy of Classroom Discipline

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    Philosophy of Classroom Discipline “Power is exercised only over free subjects, and only insofar as they are free. By this we mean individual or collective subjects who are faced with a field of possibilities in which several ways of behaving, several reactions and diverse compartments may be realized.” (Foucault) Foucault and Heidegger, modern philosophers, both describe power in these terms, as the facility to manipulate an object without force. Understanding this point of view is important,

  • Building Classroom Discipline

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    In the past few years it seems that schools have really lost touch with the discipline of students. With the increasing frequency of school shootings and acts of violence it seems that the students are running the show instead of the teachers and administrators. There are many factors that are involved in creating a great classroom or a horrible classroom. From the way the teachers punish misbehaving students or the way they reward them when they do something right, to how involved the parents are

  • Discipline In The Classroom: Past And Present

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    Discipline in the Classroom: Past and Present Throughout the history of classroom education, many different types of disciplinary systems have been applied by teachers and other authority figures in schools for the sole purpose of controlling student behavior. These systems include corporal punishment, psychological abuse or neglect, and assertive discipline. Although two of these three topics are illegal at this time, they were all widely used in schools across the country a short time

  • Discipline in the 80's Classroom

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    raised to understand that discipline at school was the same at home. No questions asked. However, it has come to my attention that the same beliefs are not substantially reflected amongst parents and teachers of the 41st century. So my question is this, is discipline necessary in the class? And if so, how can we find a middle ground of discipline to suit both parents and teachers equally? There are five delusions about disciplining students in the classroom: “If your lessons are engaging

  • Enforcing Discipline In The Classroom Case Study

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    Enforcing discipline in the classroom can be a difficult task for educators, especially when working with students with disabilities. While students with disabilities do need to be disciplined, it is important they are not being punished for something directly caused by their disability. Unfortunately, this can lead to confusion with what to do when a student with a disability acts out. IDEA does not restrict disciplining students with disabilities. In fact, according to the National Association

  • Classroom Discipline and Management Philosophy

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    The goal in our classroom is to teach self-discipline, responsibility, cooperation, and problem-solving skills. Common causes of misbehavior include an attempt to meet unmet needs (belonging, significance, fun); a lack of needed skills (social and academic); inappropriate expectations; lack of structure; and a lack of sense of relevance. We will be focusing on non-punitive solutions to problems based on kindness, firmness, dignity and respect. True discipline comes from an internal locus of

  • My Classroom And Discipline Management Plan

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    Classroom and Discipline Management My classroom management plan is very simple, yet I have found it to be extremely effective. This strategy has worked in every classroom that I have taught in. My approach is always student-centered as I will help students to develop a sense of responsibility for the actions they choose. The behavior standards in my classroom are high yet developmentally appropriate for the grade that I am teaching. My students will play an equitable role in creating rules for

  • The Theory Of Classroom Management Continuum, Models Of Discipline, And The Calm Model

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    Teacher Characteristics As I touch on some of my teacher characteristics I will be touching on some of the philosophies and theories that resonate with me including the authority base continuum, the theories of classroom management continuum, models of discipline, and the CALM model. Of the three teacher authority bases I feel that I would combine two of them to create my style of teaching: referent, and expert. Personally I feel that I would like my students to behave in line with my expectations

  • Teacher and Student Relationships

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    can vary to set a learning experience approachable and inviting the students to learn. A teacher and student who have the qualities of good communications, respect in a classroom, and show interest in teaching from the point of view of the teacher and learning from a student will establish a positive relationship in the classroom. I will be focusing on the relationship between the student and teacher, involving a setting in the primary grades, which I have found second grade to be extremely important

  • The Shortcomings of College Education

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    Cheney, Lynne V. "PC: Alive and Entrenched." In The Presence of Others: Voices that Call for Response, edited by Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1997. Glasser, William. "Noncoercive Discipline." In Building Classroom Discipline, edited by C.M. Charles. New York: Longman Press. 1999. Rose, Mike. "Lives on the Boundary." In The Presence of Others: Voices that Call for Response, edited by Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin's

  • Discipline and Management In The Classroom

    1075 Words  | 3 Pages

    Discipline and management are two terms that are used in regards to teachers and classrooms in schools today. What exactly does discipline and management mean? Are these two terms related or are they different? Why are they important in today’s educational setting? The answers to these questions can have a huge impact on the success of a teacher in the classroom. Picture the following: In classroom A, the students are all quietly working in small groups as the teacher walks between the groups lending

  • Importance Of Discipline In The Classroom

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    Teaching discipline in the classroom is crucial to creating a positive learning environment. As mentioned in the book after a few weeks of school the students are learning what is expected of them and the daily routines. However, it still has to be taught and practiced, especially if the teacher is incorporating new discipline strategies to create the positive community. Students must be taught to understand that when classroom rules and procedures are not followed, there will be logical consequences

  • Reflections on Cooperative Discipline in the Classroom

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    recently took a course on cooperative discipline and found that many of my own beliefs and practices involving discipline in the classroom were validated and reinforced throughout the class. Students do choose how they will behave and the best way (maybe even the easiest way) to get them to make the right choices in the classroom is to foster a feeling of mutual respect and to give them a sense of responsibility or classroom ownership. Kids want discipline, or maybe to put it differently they want

  • Effective Discipline in Classroom Management

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    As a teacher managing problem behavior in your classroom can be one of the most challenging tasks. Behavior problems can range from disruption of lessons to acts of violence against fellow students and teachers. Children’s emotional setbacks and life challenges can also contribute to behavior issues at school. A study done by the Justice Center and the Public Policy Research Institute found that six out of ten students suffered from an “emotional disturbance” and were expelled or suspended between

  • Discipline With Dignity And Discipline: The Different Models Of Classroom Management

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    There are several different models of classroom management, but there appears to be no collective agreement as to which one is the best. Because every student is different, students’ behavior should be addressed according to their specific need. Disruptive behaviors tend to be a result of a few causes. These causes tend to be either because the student is seeking attention trying to avoid failure, are angry, want to gain control of a situation, have too much unused energy, are feeling bored, or

  • Effective Discipline: Strategies and Relationships in Classrooms

    508 Words  | 2 Pages

    Discipline Strategies for Effective Discipline Discipline is something that takes time to understand and learn how to effectively use in the classroom. However, there are three essential components that need to be functioning well for discipline to be successful. One a Supportive, Loving, and positive relationship between teacher and child, teacher and parent(s), and most of all parent(s) and the child. Second knowing how to use positive reinforcement strategies in the classroom to increase desired

  • Effective Classroom Management: Approaches to Discipline

    2933 Words  | 6 Pages

    part of this module, Effective classroom focus on instruction design. I have learnt various methods to plan, resource, implement, analyze and evaluate teaching. I also recognize the importance of planning in classroom teaching. Although a good planning is a necessary condition for effective teaching, it is not sufficient because students¡¯ responses and behaviours are always unpredictable. Therefore, a well-equipped teacher should have adequate knowledge in classroom management and understand different

  • Critical Analysis Of A Discipline Problem In The Classroom

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    administrators have many different definitions to describe what a discipline problem, in the classroom, may look like. They vary greatly, however one thing they do have in common is that they are not specific and therefore could lead to misunderstanding. Because of this, teachers may not have a good grasp on what exactly a discipline problem may look like, and as a result they will not be able to determine whether a behavior is a discipline problem or not. This, unfortunately, will lead to a decrease

  • Deikur's Theory Of Self Discipline

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    to teach them the required material they need to pass, we also must teach them basic manners, proper behaviors, and other skills they need to be a good citizen in their community. I believe that students can be taught self-discipline. In Gordon’s Theory of self-discipline, he states that the students should be nurtured and will be more likely to comply with changing their behavior. I also think students are basically good. Although, students are still trying to find where they belong and may see

  • Jacob Kounin's Discipline And Group Management In Classroom

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    regarding classroom management in the 1970’s. These studies emphasized how teachers could manage students, lessons and classrooms to reduce the incidence of bad behaviour. Kounin identified specific teaching techniques that help, and hinder, classroom discipline. Bestowing to Kounin, the technique used, not the teacher’s personality, is the most crucial aspect in classroom management of student behaviour. His book, Discipline and Group Management in Classrooms, focuses on preventive discipline. He says