Effective Discipline: Strategies and Relationships in Classrooms

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Strategies for Effective Discipline
Discipline is something that takes time to understand and learn how to effectively use in the classroom. However, there are three essential components that need to be functioning well for discipline to be successful. One a Supportive, Loving, and positive relationship between teacher and child, teacher and parent(s), and most of all parent(s) and the child. Second knowing how to use positive reinforcement strategies in the classroom to increase desired behaviors. Third is reducing or eliminating undesirable behavior.(Guidance for Effective Discipline)
For discipline to work effectively the child and adult need to have a relationship in which the child feels secure and loved. To most …show more content…

Rewarding Effective or Desirable Behaviors
Adults are in charge of making sure they explain how they want things and to help the children understand and learn behaviors that meet their expectations. While children learn this, it helps them develop positive social relationships. As a result the children will develop a sense of self-discipline that leads to positive self-esteem (Guidance for Effective Discipline). Discipline is only effective if adults provide positive attention to children's desirable behaviors, which will result in helping the children strengthen and refine them. Before adults can stop undesired behaviors, they must identify the positive behaviors that they want to see in the children. Some strategies for helping children learn behaviors is listed below:
Helping children express their feelings in words
Provide children with opportunities in the class and at home to make decisions or choices. Help them learn to think about the consequences of the choices
Provide regular positive attention on behaviors
Respectfully communicate with the children
Model desirable or positive behaviors expected
Reducing and Eliminating Undesirable

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