Jacob Kounin's Discipline And Group Management In Classroom

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This study is based on theories, concepts and studies make it worth to study the field of primary education. First, the Kounin Mode theory of Jacob Kounin. He is known for two studies regarding classroom management in the 1970’s. These studies emphasized how teachers could manage students, lessons and classrooms to reduce the incidence of bad behaviour. Kounin identified specific teaching techniques that help, and hinder, classroom discipline. Bestowing to Kounin, the technique used, not the teacher’s personality, is the most crucial aspect in classroom management of student behaviour. His book, Discipline and Group Management in Classrooms, focuses on preventive discipline. He says that, good classroom management depends on effective lesson …show more content…

An example of overlapping could be when a teacher gives a student individual feedback at one station and also monitors the performance of other students in the room. Kounin suggests that overlapping is a teacher’s ability to effectively handle two or more classroom events at the same time, instead of becoming engrossed in one and letting the other be neglected. When instructing one group, a teacher should be able to acknowledge difficulties that students outside of the group may be having so that instruction may continue. This also includes distractions from outside the classroom such as notes from the office or students walking through the hallways. Effective transitions, often classroom misbehaviour increases when a classroom moves from one task or activity to another. Learner behaviour is influenced by the smoothness and effectiveness of transitions between tasks in a lesson. Effective transitions, according to him, include keeping lessons moving with avoiding abrupt changes. Well-established routines, a consistent signal for gaining the class attention, clear directions, preparing students to shift their attention from one task to another, and concise explanations that highlight the main points of the task help reduce student misbehaviour. Kounin emphasizes that providing smooth and effective transitions is one of the most important techniques in maintaining student involvement and class …show more content…

He called this need to belong the genuine goal of human social behaviour. Dreikurs believed that when learners are not able to gain their genuine goal of belonging they turn to a series of mistaken goals. Mistaken goals are defined as attention, power, revenge and inadequacy. This is when students

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