Salem Witch Trials

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Salem Witch Trials

Early in 1692, the witch hunt started in Salem, Massachusetts. During

this time there were many stresses in the Massachusetts Bay Colony among

Salem Villages, who had a strong belief in the devil. A town not too far from

Salem had had a recent smallpox outbreak, and created fear and suspicion for

the Salem Villages. Nine-year old Elizabeth Parris and eleven years old

Abigail Williams started having fits, strange behaviors and would scream

with anger. A doctor looked at the girls and decided that

the only explanation was spells caused by witchcraft. The girls then

accused Tituba who was a family slave, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne of

telling them tales of omens, voodoo, and witchcraft.

Cotton Mather had just published a book about witchcraft and

the symptoms of the people under the spells. Since the girls fits were much

like those described in Mather's book, the family accepted of the doctor's

conclusion that the girls were under a spell. Leading to the

Trials against Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne as being the

one's responsible to what was occurring to the girls.

On March 1, 1692 John Hawthorne and Jonathan Corwin began of examining the three

accused women.

They asked each one the same questions: Are you a witch? How do

you explain what is happening to these girls? The Three maintained her

innocence, but eventually Tituba confessed to being a witch and claimed that

she, Good, and Osborne had flown through the air on broom sticks and even

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