The Quest for Your First Job

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We all want our first job when were in high school and to some of us it makes us feel more independent. Who wouldn’t want to stop relying on their parents for money? We all hate that moment when we want to go out with our friends but were too scared to ask our parents for money because you asked them for money couple days ago. But then again, were scared to apply for a job because some of us are scared for the interview we might get or you’re just scared to get a job. Although getting your first job can be a hard and new experience, it is a very important lesson in life of showing dependability and growing up.
Before applying for your first job, it’s best to gather up all your past information, such as any past experiences, or life skills that you’ve had. Some jobs might not require any experience but it makes you look better if you do and some jobs could be looking for some qualifications in a person which can get you hired faster and easier. It might help that you memorize your social security number because most job applications require it. Also, it’s good to have at least 3 good references such as long term friends, teachers or family friends; try to not use family members, at least not with the same last name. After collecting all this useful history, it’s time to put it all together and create a resume. When creating a resume, make sure you put your name, address, phone number, and email. After that, put any education you’ve received and how many years you attended school. Next, put together all your job skills, achievements, and any qualifications. Finally, add any activities or hobbies that you’re involved with. At the bottom of the resume, put the name, phone number, and the years you’ve known of the three people you’...

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...d think about your answer because if you don’t, your nerves could cause you to mix your words up or you can sound senseless. Once your interview has ended, give the interviewer a firm handshake and thank them for their time to consider you for the position you applied for. If you get a call from them within some days, try calling them and ask for the manager to see if the position is open.
The procedure of applying for your first job can be really frustrating but just remember to not give up and stay positive. Having a job is a big responsibility and isn’t as easy as it seems. There can be times where you feel like not wanting to go to work because youre tired or simply need a break and wish you could simply go back to the carefree life. Just follow these steps and you’ll be ahead of the game. Keep in mind that time tells all, so enjoy the road down to success.

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