Potential Career: Flight Attendant

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The Career Exploration choice that appealed to me the most was the job of a Flight Attendant. I think that traveling the world would be very exciting and as a Flight Attendant I would have a chance to travel, meet lots of different people and experience different cultures around the world. Flight Attendants do not make a lot of money at first but I think it would be ok to work up to a higher salary, especially since Zarin said that the airline pays for your expenses. The idea of being a flight attendant is a little impossible for me. I don’t think I would enjoy the constant moving around or having to deal with people all the time. However, the idea of spending at least a few years of my life traveling the world as always appealed to me. I think having job security and arrangements would allow me a safe and structured way to experience different environments.

I am an auditory and tactile learner; I would assume that I would enjoy a profession that stimulates those senses. As a Developmental Therapist I would be able to work in a hands- on environment and there is a large auditory component to therapy especially when it involves young children. I would also be in a similar situation as a Flight Attendant; I would be able to actively work in a natural environment instead of behind a desk. I would have more of an authoritative position in Developmental Therapy then I would as a Flight Attendant. The environment of a Developmental Therapist is not as uniformed, and more open to interpretation and more spur of the moment decisions, especially when responding to a child. As a Flight Attendant, despite the fact that I would be travelling the world my working environment would stay the same. I don’t know how well I would be able to handl...

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...ons for myself, I’m only good at doing that for other people. Good jobs for me would be a philosopher, writer or theologian. I really don’t want to be any of those things. All these career choices are very far away from both a Flight Attendant and a Developmental Therapist. I don’t really think that I could ever be happy as a flight attendant, it feels too limited. However, I do think that there are other career options that involve traveling that I would enjoy more. I would like the sense of freedom that traveling freely around the world would give me. However, I know that I need stability and comfort in my life, coming back to a place I call home is important to me. Hopefully, I will find a job or position that fully uses my talents and allows me to experience the world but also gives me the chance to think and implement things that can help improve the world.

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