Napoleon Bonaparte an Absolute Dictator of France

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Napoleon Bonaparte was an undeniably strong leader of France, however he was not truthful to his inferiors who gave him his power. Napoleon believed he was the master of France and that he had complete power of the country. He looked down upon his peers and the other citizens of France. Bonaparte gained his popularity by standing with the common people during the revolutionary period of France but did not continue with the views he expressed during this period when he became Emperor. Napoleon Bonaparte had many views and beliefs that made him an absolute dictator of France including, making every decision himself, being above everyone in the class systems, and manipulating the citizens of France.

Napoleon believed that he was the sole ruler of France, with complete control of the country. It is stated in a letter to his brother that he writes, “I am master today.” These words prove that he thought of his position in the government as himself being the most important. Furthermore, Bonaparte also had a conversation with Andre Francois and in this conversation he stated, “I have tast...

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