Use Of Artifice In Empire Of Illusion By Chris Hedges

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The art of artifice compels the idea of false intimacy between a leader and his or her people. This essential skill acts like a play to distract its audience from the reality behind government authority. All a country wants is a leader that can talk the talk and walk the walk, even if they are faking it. In Empire of Illusion by Chris Hedges, the author exemplifies the importance of artifice in political theater and consumer culture since “Those who are best at deception succeed.” Artifice masks the true intentions of political leaders, whether it’s Napoleon’s domination over Europe, Hitler’s rise to power, or Donald Trump’s proposal against illegal immigration. During his rule, Napoleon called himself an emperor, but he acted like the kings before him. The French Revolution stood against the idea of one leader with all authority over one country and promoted liberty, equality, and fraternity. The French citizens did not glorify Napoleon as a king because he gave his people sovereignty over political situations. He used plebiscites or voting to spread equality, however, the majority was always in favor of Napoleon. This happened due to fear because he was the strongest man in Europe at the time. He idolized himself as a hero, saving the French people from the …show more content…

At a time of loss, the German people needed a reason to rebuild their spirits. The Jews became a national target even though Hitler’s theory could not be proven. Even as a Jew, he accused the Jews people for Germany’s defeat in order to rally the people against a group of people Hitler despised. The story-telling of the Jews’ wickedness distracts the Germans from realizing the terror Holocaust. Millions of Jewish people died because Hitler said they caused the downfall of Germany. Innocent lives were taken. The death of millions mark the rise of Hitler. He sets the stage for the largest massacre in

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