Money vs. Values

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Money can be misinterpreted from our values. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 6:10; “for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.” Money is good as long as we don’t make it evil. It can be used as a distraction or in many different ways. (add another transition sentence)Our society must learn the importance of personal, professional, and traditional values. People have many personal responsibilities such as house work, paying bills, and school to name a few. It is our responsibility as humans to clean our homes so they can be pleasant and welcoming for our visitors. That way, both our visitors and we can feel comfortable and enjoy some time together. Others use money as an incentive to help others take care of their responsibilities, which is not right because it takes away the purpose of being responsible. Paying bills is also a big responsibility that we should be aware of, which is something that we have to focus on every month to survive. School is another important responsibility that has to be done out of our own will. Several parents use money as an incentive so that th...

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