Importance Of Money Essay

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Money, is a resource that people need in order to survive. Money should not be considered evil, because its society's lust and actions involving money that makes it evil. Such as stated in the book of life “The love of money is the root of all evil” (Bible) So not money its self but the control of what money can have on people is the real evil.
Since the beginning, money has always been a gate way to the most desirables of any human, and it has created almost a brain washing effect over all of humanity, turning people into criminals and cheats. However, this is not something that was intentional. Money was supposed to be used as a simple system to balance everything out. If someone needed eggs, and they only had tortillas, money would …show more content…

For Instance, in an article published by Profit Magazine, it states "To function in society we have to have a certain amount of money to operate comfortably. That could mean $250 per week or $800 per week depending on your circumstances and your location. Anything above that survival amount is less important than your health, your family, your happiness, your friends, and your spiritual life. Anything below that amount becomes a struggle for survival and should be avoided at all costs." So, what the article is stating is that it takes people with good intentions to use money for good and that having too much can sometimes lead people into becoming the awful person they always said they would never …show more content…

Weather its politics or going to college money is everywhere and should not be considered evil because everyone needs at least the right amount to get by. Money does not turn people evil people turn money evil because of their poor choices of what they do with it. From the Walton family's terrible pay cut to a famous rapper buying drugs that’s their choice not the money. Work Cited
1 Timothy 6:10 For the Love of Money Is a Root of All Kinds of Evil. Some People, Eager for Money, Have Wandered from the Faith and Pierced Themselves with Many Griefs.,

Money Isn't the Root of All Evil.” The Simple Dollar, 22 Aug. 2011,

Amatya, Dwarika Prasad. “Cyberbazar.” Money : The Dreams of Human, 1 Jan. 1970,

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