The Things that Money Can and Cannot Buy

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Money, the media of exchange for products and services, provides things people need, like food, clothing, shelter, or medicine. People spend most of their life looking for it. My parent for example, works from sunrise to sunset to obtain it. The more money people have the more benefits they can get, because they will be able to get a bigger and better houses, clothes, or food. Less money means stress in bill payments, gas prices, and food prices. With money, people can fulfill their material need. However, money cannot buy everything such as happiness, friendship and love, health, and appetite. Money provides pleasure for humans, like houses, cars, or things people like in the term of toys. However, those material needs will bring temporary happiness. People can buy the newest toy they want, like iPhone. People feel pleasure when people the get the things they want. However, since it is a technology, other new things will be released and the pleasure from the precious toys will decrease. Telegraph, interviewed an Australian millionaire, Karl Rabeder, who was able to buy 3,455 sq ft villa which worth 1.4 million pound sterling. He was also able to buy 17 hectares farmhouse which worth 613,000 pound sterling in the market. He also collected six gliders, which valued at 350,000 pound sterling, and a luxury Audi A8, worth 44,000 pound sterling. He was also able to have a vacation to Hawaii and enjoy the five stars hotel he stayed at. However, he sold his entire asset and gave it all to charity in Central and Latin America. He realizes that money avoids the happiness to come. Now he feels lighter than ever. Many lottery winners also return their prize to charity. Once there was also an old Chinese man who won 4 million Yuan. The onl... ... middle of paper ... ...uch as addiction, whether it is addiction to money or other items. People might not even realize it that they were being controlled by the money. Money which brings troubles to human is not everything. Health, lifetime, relationship, happiness, and appetite are the most important thing in human life. Works Cited Albom, Mitch. Tuesdays with Morrie: an old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson. New York: Broadway. 2007. Print. Life is Beautiful. Dr. Roberto Benigni. Perf. Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschim Giorgio, Cantarini, Giustion Durano. Miramax Films. 1997. Film. Samuel, Henry.“ Millionaire gives away fortune which made him miserable.” Telegraph Media Group. Web. 8 February 2010. The Mummy: The Tomb of Dragon Emperor, Dr. Rob Cohen. Perf. Brendan Fraser, Jet Li, Maria Bello, Michael Yeoh, Russell Wong. Universal Pictures. 2008. Film.

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