Management Case Study

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I read Management: Manage teams, lead effectively and build trust in the workplace. By Derek Stanzma. This book describes how to hire a good manager and strategies to help become a successful manager. It is to instruct a manager on how to help others to become sufficient in their job and to learn how to motivate others to give their best in their job duties. Also it gives tips for how to hire a good manager. As a manager you need to not only manage others, you need to know how to effectively instruct those you manage on completing their jobs. The role of a manager is very demanding, as a manager you have a large amount of duties and it is important that you fulfill these duties in an efficient manner. To better understand the role of a manager you need to look at things like, why do companies do what they do? What is happening in this business that requires a manager to implement changes? Which business trends influence how managers function in their job role? A few examples would be Globalization. In the last 20 years the world has begun to expand globally with the implementation of several different trade treaties such as NAFTA or the North American Free Trade Agreement, which supports international trading. Many companies have …show more content…

What the skills and abilities that you are looking for in a manager. During an interview you should ask open ended questions and know what you want to hear and watch to see if the person being interviewed answers honestly or if they are telling you what they think the right answer may be. It is good to ask about a person 's past as this will help to predict their future behavior. Such as asking an applicant to give you specific examples of how they are organized or how exactly they would handle a specific situation. You can tell if they are being truthful if they can describe a topic thoroughly and not use too broad a

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