Supervisor Leader Debate Essay

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The supervisor-leader debate dates back to 50 years ago and today it continues to be a debate on whether or not a supervisor can make a good leader. The supervisor-leader debate has to do with efficiency and effectiveness of their team. The police respond to problems in our communities, therefore making them efficient in their duties. Police face an inherent contradiction between effectiveness and efficiency. The effectiveness has to do with producing the desired result or goal and doing the right thing. Effectiveness is possible without efficiency, but there cannot be efficiency without effectiveness. The reason being is any effort that does not achieve the desired goal is wasted (Whisenand & McCain, 2015).

The supervisor-leader relationship is one of the topics that has been debated the most in the past. The debate pertains to management versus leader and how they relate to one another. One of the issues is whether or not a supervisor can be an effective leader. I believe it is imperative that someone must be able to follow before they are able to lead. The greatest leaders are the ones that have served in those positions …show more content…

Traditionally, managers and supervisors are the people tasked with the duty of managing with getting the functions of the organization accomplished through the members of the organization. Management is the process of running an organization so that the organization can accomplish its goals. The traditional principles of management consist of planning, organizing, directing, staffing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting. I have worked for some supervisors that motivated me to see the value of the work I was performing. Additionally, well-respected supervisors also inspire others to perform their job to the very best of their ability. To be a great leader, you have to make someone follow you and no one wants to follow someone who doesn't know where he or she is

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