Interpersonal skills: listening, coaching, Assertiveness

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Interpersonal skills
Many argued that the way we interact with others define who we are. Skills such as listening can help us deal with confusion and prevent misunderstanding. People with assertiveness skills are mostly known to be confident and comfortable in some critical situations. Those who have the negotiation skills are prepared to conclude or discuss deal settlement or contract settlement. Furthermore, in an organization a good feedback method can help staff or a company to improve. Communication skills such as persuasion allow us to convince the audience and to lead toward goal achievement. Nevertheless interview and coaching bring out our capacity to support and understand others.
Listening skill is defined as by the online journal entitled the skill you need as “the ability we have to properly receive and interpret messages in the communication process” failure to do so, may result in misunderstanding and confusion. In business listening skills helps provide a better response to customers. Listening skills come along with the ability to understand in order to effectively accomplish the task requested from us. For example a receptionist working in a hotel need to have listening skill in order to register messages and complaints from guest and also be able to pass it through the hotel managers. In this situation, the lack of listening skill will result in the guest not being fully satisfied with the service of the hotel which can jeopardize the hotel reputation. Furthermore the website argues that the best way to develop our listening skill is to pay attention, to study the body language of the speaker, to stay focused and to fully capture of the story being told.
Assertiveness skill is defined by ...

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... achieve the requested goals.

Online Journal, (2011). The skill you need retrieved on May 20, 2014 from: Online Journal, (2011). The skill you need retrieved on May 20, 2014 from: Online Journal, (2008). Daily blog. retrieved on May 20, 2014 from: UCCH, (2014). Online journal; Feedback skills. retrieved on May 21. 2014 from: Jason, N. (2013). The 21 Principles of Persuasion; retrieved on May 21, 2014 from: Merriam Webster, (n,d). Online dictionary retrieved on May 21, 2014 from:

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