In Defense of Permissive Parenting

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In Defense of Permissive Parenting

In the article “In Defense of Permissive Parenting” Tony Decouple addresses how parenting skills can be a great effect to children. According to a pair of new studies, they state how minor communication style can have an impact to children. A Mexican-American woman by the name of Xenia was in a store with her four years old son named Paulson; she had to battle his son over buying a soft drink. There are several studies that can help parents to raise their children. A study shows that battling youngsters rather than reasoning may get them to do what they want. The studies suggest that parents should explain decisions with their children, and let them talk back at least a little bit. According to Bruce Fuller a UC Berkeley professor; white parents deploy reasoning techniques more compared to other cultures. There are different ways, cultures, and techniques to raise children between whites, blacks and Mexican-American. Reasoning with children is the best way to raise youngsters.

Every parent has their own ways to raise their children. Reasoning w...

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