The History of Music

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Music has been with people for thousands years. Since it can be easily spotted in Greek mythologies as well as in the Bible, music is one of the aspects that humans cannot forget or eradicate from this world effortlessly. Since the creation of music, many different “eras” of music became apparent in the world such as Medieval era including Marcabru, Solage, Renaissance era with Josquin des Prez, Baroque era like Francesco Cavalli, Classical era of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Leopold Mozart, Romantic era incorporating Franz Schubert and Frédéric Chopin, and finally 20th century music of Claude Debussy and Arnold Schoenberg. Back to the question whether Classical pieces do have effects on people who are ill, there is one treatment commonly used in mental hospital facility called music therapy. Music therapy is used with individuals of various ages, abilities, and musical backgrounds in institutional, community, and private practice settings. This includes many illnesses such as acquired brain injury, AIDS, autism and other pervasive development disabilities, critical care, developmental disabilities, emotional traumas, geriatric care, hearing impairments, mental health, neonatal care, obstetrics, oncology, prawn control, palliative care, personal growth, physical disabilities, speech and language impairments, substance abuse, teens at risk, victims of abuse, and visual impairments. These are some examples of the areas where patients can improve their condition through music pieces: ameliorating spirit and movability of people with Parkinson’s disease, decreasing reliance on sedatives and pain relievers, decreasing amount of nausea during the chemotherapy, relieving anxiety, lowering blood pressure, easing depression, and incr... ... middle of paper ... ... including nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and itchiness. Therefore he had to go through many types of medications and procedures, making himself reluctant to alternative methods like meditation, hypnosis, and acupuncture. But the most method that he used to rely on was music. Then Paul met a professional rock musician, song writer, and performer named Jonathan Auerbach through the music therapy program. Through Auerbach’s enlightenment, the Rockin' Time Jam Workshops were created, where Jonathan and Brian come together to help paediatric cancer patients to find their purpose by striving to become musicians. Paul was finally able to enjoy spending time with other kids who are looking for a respite from their cancer. However, this story of Paul is just one of many accounts in music therapy programs, guiding people to get healed and obtain hope to challenge their illness.

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