The Heart of a Champion

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Babe Ruth once said, "The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime." From this quote, I find myself wondering what exactly a team player amounts to. According to the dictionary, a team player is a person who willingly works in cooperation with others. An athlete who claims that they are a team player but also convinces themselves that there is an "I" in team is my personal image of what would be considered a contradictory image to a legitimate team player. In reality, to characterize this type of player it would only be correct to describe them as selfish. Clearly, my opinion of a team player is a girl or boy who has an inspiring personality, contributes overwhelmingly, and continually motivates themselves. It has been stated by Frank Outlaw, "Watch your words; they become your thoughts. Watch your thoughts; they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become your habits. Watch your habits; they become your destiny." Correspondingly, this inspirational quote and the outstanding personality desired by a true team player stroll hand in hand. This type of personality requires a team player to be friendly. A friendly personality draws unity within a team. For example, friendliness allows others to approach a certain team player with any problems and be firmly aware that they will be treated with utter respect in return. A tactful team player will most definitely always have the respect of the people around him or her siding in a positive effect on any type of controversy that the player may intervene when encroaching the team as a whole. The act of patience is an important key when conf... ... middle of paper ... ...together, no single one will pull off. By defining what a team player is, it is obvious of exactly what a team player is not. Therefore, in contradiction to what a team player is and what a team player is not, is that a team player is not one who is selfish or need personal recognition for individual accomplishments, but will put the needs of other ahead of their own any day. Being a team player is a wonderful quality to have, and these types of people are usually highly respected above all things. My definition of a real team player and the quote "I won't accept anything less than the best a player's capable of doing and he has the right to expect the best that I can do for him and the team as well" by Lou Holtz has affected me in the simple fact that no matter what obstacles burst my way in life, I will never settle for anything less than everything that I deserve.

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