The Importance Of Self-Efficacycy Essay

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People nowadays are lack on having confidence that they can do something; they doubt their own abilities. Self-efficacy is considered to be one of the positive psychology traits that we should adopt and have. It helps us to achieve the goals that we want; it will lead us to success. A person with high self-efficacy can help to work harder and can make their own motivation to achieve their desires. Self-efficacy determines how people feel, think, motivated themselves and behave. This concept is related to the beliefs that people have about their capacity to complete a specific task. (Bandura, 1993, 1994; Bandura & Locke, 2003). But having this self-efficacy, we should make sure that it is connected on our beliefs and not something that we are opposition to. According to Henry …show more content…

Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny”. With the interconnection of the quote, it only has one message to be conveyed which is when we believe unto something, it will take us to where we are going or simply our destination and we should be that responsible for the actions that we are taking. But where this self-efficacy comes from and how can you know more about it? Albert Bandura give four (4) sources to know more about self-efficacy and these are the following: The first source of having self-efficacy is through Mastery Experiences. It is the first source where self-efficacy comes from, and it is describe that these mastery experiences can give you a large influence in having self-efficacy. As per quoted, “Self-efficacy seems to be more influenced by mastery experiences than information formed by social comparisons, a study shows. (Reiner & Mynhardt, 2008) If we are experiencing things, we could learn a lot of things that can help us either we win or lose; when we lose, we accept. And for that we are learning to exert much effort for us to win for when we are determined and we can’t just be comfortable that we will

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