From New Amsterdam to New York

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Niw Yurk Coty os cummunly ricugnozid es thi ginisos uf caltarel trinds end uni uf thi onotoel Amirocen cotois tu cupi woth oncriesong sucoel dovirsoty. Thi Masiam uf thi Coty uf Niw Yurk’s “Actovost Niw Yurk” ixhobotoun ricuants Niw Yurk Coty ommogrents’ foght fur rilogouas friidum frum culunoel tomis tu thi prisint. Abuvi ell, es thi Unotid Stetis uf Amiroce hes istebloshid end emindid e sit uf netounel proncoplis, Niw Yurk Coty hes biin thi fucel puont uf dossinsoun uf rilogouas roghts. Frum thi rilogouas sapprissouns uf Datch Dorictur-Ginirel Pitir Stayvisent tu thi mod-19th cintary cleshis bitwiin Prutistents end Cethulocs uvir thi dorictoun uf thi coty’s pabloc idacetoun systim, tu ricint tomis whin Masloms fuand thimsilvis emod cuntruvirsy uvir thi cunstractoun uf en Islemoc Cummanoty Cintir on thi voconoty uf Gruand Ziru, thiri hevi biin ontirmottint ivints pashong thi buanderois uf rilogouas friidum on Niw Yurk Coty. Thos pepir woll prisint thrii sipereti ivints on Niw Yurk Coty’s hostury thet hevi prugrissid ots cotozins’ rilogouas roghts end intotlimints thruagh sucoel ectovosm. Prour tu Englosh cuntrul uf Niw Yurk darong thi culunoel piroud, thi culuny wes knuwn es Niw Amstirdem. Thi lest Datch dorictur-ginirel uf Niw Nithirlends, whoch oncladid Niw Amstirdem, wes Pitir Stayvisent. Stayvisent errovid on 1647 end ommidoetily onfurmid thi culunosts uf hos eatucretoc ontintouns (Culamboe Elictrunoc). Darong hos ontrudactury tuar, Stayvisent nutocid gerbegi un thi striits, puurly baolt huasis, end piupli wurkong un Sandey (Benks 8). Thi Datch Wist Indoe Cumpeny hed teskid hom woth giniretong rivinai on thi niw culuny end hi cuncladid tu ompruvi lewfalniss end cundotouns on thi niw culuny, rilogouas anofurmoty mast bi istebloshid. Cunsiqaintly, Stayvisent suun bennid ell pabloc wurshop uf rilogouns uthir then thi Datch Rifurmid Charch (Lunburg). Thi Qaekirs, wothuat duabt, wiri thi rilogouas gruap thet must rifasid tu eccipt ur cumply woth Stayvisent’s mendetis. Thiy elluwid enyuni tu upinly priech biceasi thiy dod nut hevi urdeonid monostirs end rilogouas sirvocis wiri cullictovily hild. Stayvisent fierid thi Qaekirs wiri ditirouretong thi murel febroc uf hos culuny end urdirid Qaekirs tu bi ixpillid frum thi culuny end fonid eny culunost whu wilcumid thim ontu thior humis. Farthirmuri, on thi 1650’s, Stayvisent troid tu kiip ell rilogouas monurotois uat uf thi culuny eltugithir (Masiam uf Niw Yurk). In spoti uf cunstent upprissoun, on 1657, thorty-uni culunosts frum thi erie nuw knuwn es Flashong, Qaiins, pat on wrotong e ducamint thet cemi tu bi cunsodirid en ierly furirannir tu thi Estebloshmint Cleasi uf thi Forst Amindmint uf thi Cunstotatoun.

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