The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

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In the seventeenth century, slaves became the major focus of trade between Africa and other parts of the world, namely the Americas and Europe. This was known as the trans-Atlantic slave trade. The trans-Atlantic slave trade was an involuntary voyage of Africans from their homeland, across the Atlantic Ocean, to the New World. The trans-Atlantic slave trade caused the deportation of millions of Africans to the Western hemisphere of the world. Millions of captives were shipped to their destinations performing hard labor under terrible conditions. The slave trade was horrific, and the enslavement of the Africans was cruel and dehumanizing. Throughout the world of trans-Atlantic slave trade, the Americas, Europe and Africa were connected, playing …show more content…

This ultimately led to the kidnapping of the people from the west coast of Africa. These captives were then taken back to Europe and sold in order to work. With the discovery of the New World, and development of plantations, Europe created a demand for cash crops, leading to the purchase of slaves in increased volume. With the increased demand, it was becoming too expensive in order to buy items in bulk from Asia. Therefore, Europeans had to come up with a new way of mass producing products, at a low cost, resulting in the kidnapping and enslavement of Africans …show more content…

As a result, modern capitalism and the industrialization of Europe developed. It created an Atlantic connection between Europeans, West Africans, and the colonial Americans. All in all, the trans-Atlantic slave trade was a cruel and inhumane period of time, where Africans were being taken against their will to perform hard labor. Trans-Atlantic slavery created a new global relationship, and reduced human interaction to a commercial relationship, debasing African individuals. Through the world of trans-Atlantic slave trade, the Americas, Europe and Africa were connected through the triangular trade, known as the relationship between masters, traders, and slaves. As the new global economic relationship formed, an unequal slave society developed that categorized humans to sellers, buyers and

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