Extra Fabulous Reasons Why You Are Fat, Tired and Sick

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Many of the foods Americans consume on a daily basis serve as a catalyst for a slow and painful demise riddled with preventable disease. This is due to the fact that people simply do not feed the body what it is designed for. Low fat products flavored with dangerous sugars and high fructose corn syrup line the shelves of grocery stores everywhere, with “heart healthy” labels proudly displayed on the colorful and flashy boxes. The cereal grains, legumes, dairy products (if not tolerated), hydrogenated fats and overly processed foods with refined sugars that are considered cultural staples, which form the foundation of the Standard American Diet (SAD), are more than likely the cause of unfortunately common health issues such as leptin resistance, chronic inflammation, heart disease and metabolic syndrome which is a cluster of risk factors such as: insulin resistance, obesity, abnormal cholesterol readings, and more. Furthermore, not eating properly can cause a suppressed immune system, lack of energy, disrupted sleep patterns, low metabolism, acne, food allergies, bloating, and a host of other issues thought to be normal in today's day and age. Life was never meant to be this way; fortunately there is hope from this unnecessary chaos in the form of the Paleolithic diet. So, to stop the madness Americans should trade in the unnatural SAD lifestyle for a virtually illness free Paleolithic way of eating.
So, what exactly prompted the beginning of the processed foods people know and disastrously love today? Taking a look back at life years earlier during the Paleolithic Era, Homo sapiens relied on gathering fresh, organic produce or hunting to maintain life. People were predominately non-agrarian nomads at this time and in...

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