comparison paper

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Throughout history there have been many leaders. Some leaders are good or can lead to destruction; others are bad or can lead to independence. A wonderful example of a great leader that led a country to independence is Gandhi. Another example of a great leader that led to independence and can be found in the Brower textbook, The World Since 1945, in Ramon Magsaysay. Gandhi through peace and protest brought independence to India whereas Magsaysay through resistance brought equal independence to the Philippines.
Gandhi saw the damage that British rule had on India. Gandhi assisted in leading India to its “rebirth” through peaceful movements so that India could have its “independence and a democratically elected government that respected the right s of the entire population, regardless of religion or social rank.”
Ramon Magsaysay was from the Philippines. Magsaysay, in the 1940s, saw independence come to the Philippines. It is assumed that independence means freedom for all people. But in truth Farmers lost their land because they did not own it causing these peasants to start an ...

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