aba intervention

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Despite the abundance of evidence demonstrating the advantages of ABA for individuals with ASD, some criticism still exists in regards to its methods. Due to some ethically-questionable punishment techniques utilized during Lovaas’s initial trials and ABA’s rigid application in animal training, some question if ABA should be used for human treatment (Brams, 2008). However, ABA has positively developed since its discovery and the use of ethically-sound procedures has become of utmost importance. To ensure that ethical standards are abided by, several preventative safety procedures are utilized. Observable data-collection and carefully-crafted program development are major components of ABA that not only allow for progress to be tracked, but they also help document behaviors and the steps utilized to reduce these behaviors. These programs and data are developed and reviewed by a team of individuals, with constant modifications being made throughout the duration of the treatment (Brams, 2008, p. 6). Many times, an Institutional Review Board is utilized as well to ensure that ethical procedures are maintained. Additionally, ABA has attempted to steer away from the use of punishment procedures and instead aims to utilize positive reinforcement in order to have the least-restrictive and most positive form of therapy possible (Lattal, St. Peter, & Escobar, 2013). Another criticism of ABA treatment is that it is not generalizable and sessions have a tendency to have a robotic nature. This is many times due to the use of solitary DTT, which is not typically considered an effective form of treatment when used alone (Steege et al., 2007). Because DTT is applied in a distraction-free setting with repetitive trials and simplified, concise ins... ... middle of paper ... ...of ABA, which has “demonstrated efficacy in…reducing inappropriate behavior and in increasing communication, learning, and appropriate social behavior” (Satcher, 1999, as cited in Brams, 2008, p. 6). Because all skill domains have the ability to be effectively addressed through the use of one multi-method ABA model, the process of confronting the many debilitating issues of ASD is simplified. There is still room for advancements within ABA and the Autism community, but the continual expansion of programs and dedication to ABA research is leading to more promises for the struggling ASD community. For the future of ASD, the hope is not only to keep individuals in their homes and out of institutions, but more importantly to provide them with the possibility of independence and the ability to thrive far beyond all of Autism’s previous restrictions (Blane, 2011, p. 6).

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