Ww1 Week 1 Reflection

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Prior to the unit on World War I, the pervious unit was on child labor and social changes in the 1920s. Students focused on issues in the past in comparison to issues in the future. This unit was conducted as a lesson study project. Student first learned about Child Labor and Progressive Era. The following key historical terms were introduced: regulation, industrialization, exploitation, the progressive movement (the jungle, Upton Sinclair) Jacob Riis photos. Some of the guided questions for the students during the lesson study project were to help them become investigators also known as muckrakers. Their job was to figure out an issue that needs to be fixed or addressed in present day. Students identified a current issue that could be legislated. …show more content…

The learning target for this project was identifying societal problems. Students would be able to identify the problem that is affecting our community. Students will be able to provide supporting evidence by using multiples sources to prove that the problem is relevant/important to my community. They can evaluate why the problem exists or the cause. Students will propose possible solutions that address the targeted issue in our community. In addition, students were required to using key terms throughout the unit. Some of the possible structure students presented their legislation through series of Instagram posts, front cover of a newspaper article, pamphlet, commercial or visual campaign, documentary, research paper, poem, song and/or music video. Shaq raised his legislation on gun violence. He presented it in a form of a poster. Shaq spoke about personal issues within his community that have been affected by gun violence. In addition, Shaq used statistics giving an estimated amount of people he heard or have known that were killed. He poses a legislation to help guns of the street by providing more educational opportunities and jobs. Shaq used only two of the many key terms provided and he did not have much grammatical errors or spelling

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