Writing Strategies

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The first weeks of freshman year have gone by in a breeze; for the most part, it didn’t even feel like I was really going to school. Now I am all settled in and it is time to think about what I want the rest of the year to look like. Setting goals has been a strategy that has worked for me when needing to get things done; it helps me the most when I make multiple little goals to reach that lead up to a big goal, for I find this less overwhelming than having a specific, humongous, intimidating goal that is staring at me while I procrastinate. When setting my goals for reading, writing, general school, and habits, I will be sure to keep this in mind. I love to write. Writing has always been one of my favorite ways of self expression along with …show more content…

It has always been one of my favorite things to do, but just in the past few years I have learned how to really write with technique and writing strategies. In middle school, my Language Arts teacher was excellent; I went to Lincoln, a K-8 school, so I had her as my english teacher from sixth grade to eighth grade. One of her biggest focuses, I would say, was the learning and application of SWS and PWS skills; all Lincoln students will tell you that we were drilled on those over, and over, and over again. As a result, I came to like writing even more. Looking forward to this year, I would like to improve on the little details in my writing, so that my writing as a whole can be improved. When I say little details, I mean things like transitions, correct quotations with punctuation, different varieties of sentences, word choice, and going more in depth to whatever it is I am writing about. If I continue to work on these skills, I am hoping to earn between a 3 and a 4 on all of my Friday Writing assignments; 3.5 or 4 would be superb. To do this, I will put much time and concentration into all of my Friday writings; I will also go over the writing and check for errors and improvements before handing it in to be

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