Worth A College Degree Essay

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There is many things that college can do to help you succeed, but why would people waste their time with it when some jobs don’t need a college degree?.Some people think that college is necessary and worth it and some people don’t think it is important and still be able to get a job without a college degree.A college degree is very much worth it.A college degree can open up doors for what you want to do and make it more possible to do and have better benefits for people.”College graduates are also more likely to be in jobs with better benefits,further widening the divide”(87).Also people are able to get better jobs and a higher pay than other jobs.”A degree from a prestigious university can open up doors to elite business schools and law schools -and jobs …show more content…

College is useful and very much worth it because it unlocks doors for people to a good job and a better pay.College allows you to go confidently in the direction of your dreams,while being able to still live your life the way you want it to go.”So parents who can afford are paying grotesque sums to give their kids a edge”(84).Some say “you are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream just go to college and get it done”(anonymous),Meaning that if you want to go to college and you don’t have a goal then it's never too late to start it and go to college. A college education is beneficial.Some might say that a college degree is worth it and necessary and some people might say that a college degree is not worth it or necessary to get a job.If you want to go to college,get on the right path and go to college where you will get a good education a better pay also a better job and that all leads up to having a greater

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