Why Kids Go To College

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There are thousands of people that don’t have a career, and because of that they are stuck in jobs that don’t like or they don’t pay them good enough to support the family. So why don’t go to college? Parents should pressure their kids to go to college because they have more opportunities in life, they can having a better income in the future, and a great education that can help them to get to the place they want to be. Overall it seems like is the only way to earn a decent live. Every parent should motivate their kids to have a better education, regardless of the money, time, family problems, etc. According to Jaime Budzienski “Parents almost always want the best for their children--- many harbor dreams of top colleges, followed by lucrative …show more content…

Whether it’s pressure from parents, schools, or their own personal goals, it can sometimes lead to very negative effects. According to Amy Pino “Teenagers have shown signs of insomnia, depression, altered eating habits, substance abuse, and other dangerous stress-related symptoms. Could today’s society be putting too much pressure on teens? With hard work being the key to success, a theory tried and true, it is easy to see why so much pressure is put on students.” In other words it is important for parents to be more sensitive towards what their children want to accomplish. They should not fall into a false achievement trap. People have achieved nothing in their life, and most of the time the way they live is miserable. Parents and teachers need to be able to teach kids to love what they do, to self-motivate, and to find whatever works better for them. Students feel that going to college is the only way to succeed, and they start to feel pressure to become someone important in …show more content…

People who lack educational degrees are more likely to be limited to basic jobs in service, manufacturing and construction industries or even worst fast food jobs. While employees with a high school education may secure jobs with good benefits, college graduates typically fare better, entering higher-level careers with greater salaries. They are also more likely to receive promotions, earn raises and develop reasoning and communication skills that can be applied to their jobs. Students who gain a college education often have higher lifetime earnings and experience a variety of other benefits, including a better quality of life. With this saying that going to college will stand a much better chance of finding a higher paying job with opportunities for advancement, so you can support yourself and plan a better life for the future.
In conclusion with the argument, parents should pressure their kids to go to college so they can be someone in life, with a good career they can work in job with great benefits, good income and the most important thing is that they are never going to depend in somebody else. Parents should always motivate their children to be better in life and to follow a career that they will

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