Words with Meaning

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Tattoos are not only a marking on the skin, but also a symbol representing something or someone in a person’s life. In Skin Deep, written by Alexis Keinlen, also a journalist and literary editor of Ricepaper Magazine, wrote the article Skin Deep giving several points on the history of tattoos and also letting her viewers know her opinion on the topic of tattoos because of religious reasons or even as low as how the person with tattoos looks compared to someone with zero tattoos. People should look past on how tattoos may look because when choosing the right tattoo with meaning than it shouldn’t matter what others think because the tattoo resembles something special in the person’s life. In the beginning of Keinlen’s article she begins by writing about a mother who lost her twenty-year old son in a mountain climbing incident. In remembrance of their loved one, several of the mother’s son, friends tattooed a certain type of deer with the sun as the background on their skin, as well as the mother and father. This was their way with accepting their loved one parting from this world. For some people that may be a way with coping and dealing with a loved one taken from their life. It’s amazing how people have the necessary tools and hand creativity to come up with beautiful and inspiring work know as art, to give people the satisfaction or comfort of knowing they always have their loved one with them everywhere they go. Having a tattoo for a personal reason can be fulfilling and highly meaningful. And then there is people who see tattoos as a change of appearance but in a negative not so pretty way. But why should anyone care what others around think of them? They shouldn’t. Because people who believe you are a bad person or basically u... ... middle of paper ... ...hey are reminding themselves of and holding so close to them. Overall, tattoos shouldn’t make someone feel like they are a criminal or any less than what they were the moment before they were tattooed. Tattoos should be seen as art work by artists who put time and beautiful work into their pieces. And nothing less because they truly are a drawn captured for a life time and if the tattoo is chosen out of meaning and love than the tattoos that much better. People will soon come to realize that nobody’s thoughts should matter when it comes to a decision that has to do with their own body. But only with their inner self because the choice is theirs and nobody else’s. Works Cited Keinlen, Alexis. 2005. “Skin deep: Tattoos Mark the Body’s Surface. But their Inspiration Draws from a Deeper Source.” Herizons.com. Herizons, Fall 2005, 19 (2): 24-28. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.

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