Tattoos Should Be Allowed In The Workplace

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I am choosing to write my paper on tattoos in the workplace. I feel as it should determine what kind of tattoo you have. Not all tattoos were disgraceful. I assume if it is a demeaning tattoo or something on the line of demonic then it should not be allowed in the work place. I do have a tattoo and I am required to cover it up. I feel like if I had something disgraceful on my arm I would understand why am I required to cover it up. As a matter of fact, tattoos have become more accepted now than as of thirty years ago. Tattoos are respectable. Tattoos used to only be associated with sailors, convicts and gang members, now one in five U.S adults says they have one tattoo. Some figures show roughly 14% of the population, or 45 million people in America, have at least one tattoo. Normally you would only see professional athletes or music entertainers with ink on their body. However, with acceleration in time, people have ventured out to tattoo parlors to express their creativity. Tattoos used to be indicators of prison or gang styles, but now they are demonstrating a memorial or a form of art of creativity. Moreover, most people will often get tattoos for a loved one they lost, or what they believe in as their religion. …show more content…

In fact, in a survey done by, 60% of employers said that they were less likely to hire a person with tattoos with fear of misrepresentation of their business. However, consider if you are hired by an employer or a company with strict rules against tattoos. In addition, if the employee deliberately gets a tattoo after they are hired having further knowledge of the companies or employer’s policies against tattoos, then that is the employee’s fault. Furthermore, I do not think having tattoos should determine whether you get employed or stay in the

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