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One out of every four kids are bullied everyday in the U.S. Each day 160,000 students miss school for fear of being bullied. Being the new kid is hard enough without having a very noticeable facial deformity. In Wonder, the author, R.J Palacio writes about a kid that teens can empathize since most teens have been bullied at least once in their life before. I would very much recommend this book to my fellow peers due to the excellent quality of the book. Ten year old August Pullman --or as his friends and family call him, Auggie-- required several reconstructive surgeries as a young child because he was born with Treacher-Collins syndrome, a rare craniofacial deformity. Because of this, Auggie has never been able to go to a public school and has been home schooled up until fifth grade. A month before school, Auggie and his mother go on a tour of Beecher Prep, where he meets three students; Charlotte, Jack Will and Julian. On Auggie’s tour with student’s, Julian makes very rude comments regarding his face and the other kids chide him for that. On the first day of school, Auggie realiz...

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