Summary Of Wonder By Raquel Palacio

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August Pullman and Roy “Rocky” Dennis don’t look like the rest of us. August and Roy were born with a disorder in their face, leading to their face being deformed. “Wonder,” by Raquel Palacio, is a fiction novel based on the views from August’s close family and friends. This story explains how it feels to have a deformed face. “The remarkable life and death of Roy L. “ Rocky” Dennis,” by Elysia McMahan, is a nonfiction article based on the life of Roy Dennis. It describes how people can react to other people with deformed features. The theme, tone, and characterization all help the reader understand the topic. A theme is important in every story because it describes the message or the moral of the story. In the stories of August and Rocky, they were both born with a gene disorder which resulted in their face being deformed. They both went to school to gain socialization skills with other students. August was born …show more content…

In a book, the tone is the general character or attitude of a place. In these stories the similar tone is depression. In Wonder, August had twenty-seven surgeries, and still doesn’t believe that he is beautiful. That’s what makes him kind of a wonder. Rocky depression in his life. Teachers didn’t want him to go to school. Doctors didn’t believe he could get past the age of 7. Nobody except for his family believed he could do amazing things. There are differences between the two stories too. In Wonder, they set a humorous tone to the story. The parents and August talk about the birth of August, and how the doctor passed out when August was born. They also talked about the hilarious name of Mr. Tushman, August’s new principal Rocky’s story was more of a serious tone when the author describes his education and his problems. The author describes how his family felt about the situation with Rocky. For these two stories the similar tone is

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