Women Race And Class By Angela Y Davis Analysis

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The paper is on " The Approaching Obsolescence of Housework: A working-class perspective. From the piece "Women, Race, and Class" written by Angela Y Davis, housework plays a central role in this Angela Y. Davis essay. She explores the idea of capitalist critique and feminism, and she argues that housework is annoying as much as it is disempowering women in the society and women need to be released and discharged from these duties (Angela, 2011). Liberation from this chores and responsibilities can only happen if it is socialized. Black women face a double burden of doing domestic and out of household labor, unlike white women. Angela argues that the stereotype of weaknesses that is substantially associated with women does not apply to black women as they work hard to support both their communities and families. She associates weakness to white women who worked at homes only and never labored for their communities. As a fact some of this house works done by black women was …show more content…

They both performed tasks for their community. For instance, men used to hunt whereas women gathered and gathered wild fruits. They both showed tasks that could help their communities. Women were valued as they played a central role in their communities. The author narrates the Masai community's culture in Tanzania where she experienced involving themselves with the process of construction. That means that they were engaged in more productive and economically viable activities, not compared to other capitalist societies where the house chore women perform degrade the status of women. In my opinion, women play an essential role in society as much as men do. They complement men, and together they work as a system (Angela, 2011). If women are left out in community activities, the whole system collapses and fails to work appropriately hence it is imperative that they are working together for the betterment of the

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